Hmmz darkone, this isnt he way to do it. CTRA is public and build by some real fanatics with the only intend to get nice fair and close racing. You take the mickie now with people who made it possible to race and get a points for it. I have been a beta tester for the system and I have never seen such fanatic poeple about getting a sytem right. They have spend months to get this thing up and running and all you do is complaining. About what isnt right. Sure things always could be better, but was Rome build in 1 day ???
And what about the things that are right ??.
Hard work gaining points sure thing. The points system is nice and tide. If you dont get any points or some you dont deserve them.
The final thing if it is between you and admins dont make a thread. Also if you not like the CTRA system then just dont go there. There more then enough servers out there for you too drive. No one is forcing you to go there.
Sorry but your a typical dutchman who is nagging constantly without any proof to back your complaints up. This is so Dutch. This way you make all dutch drivers look bad.
Komop zeg geef die mensen eens een keer een schouderklopje in plaats van continu te lopen zeuren om dingen die niet goed zijn. Ze kunnen niet alles in een keer en geloof me het word echt beter maar zoals ik al zei rome is niet in 1 keer gebouwd.
Betreffende de foto op je license is natuurlijk niet netjes. dat kan gewoon niet en ik kan mij best voorstellen dat je klachten hebt maar dat breng je niet tot uiting op zon onbeschofte manier. Het verbaast me dat Sam of Becky je nog geen ban voor leven hebben gegeven. Kom op man bied je excuses aan en probeer het eens vanuit hun standpunt te bekijken.
I shall be 20 or 30 minutes figuring this out, but i'm going to lock this thread. I dont think anything positive will come of it.
Normally a moderator would get the last word as they do this, but that is because they know what they are doing.
So, the 'possibly last word that may or may not indeed be the last word' is:
Let us not have a witch hunt. Darkone55 did something stupid so we've removed the damage and disabled his ability to do that again, but for as long as we continue not to get reports about him then we have no issue with him on our servers.
The rest of you guys have trained us very well, we are much thicker skinned than we were a year ago .