The online racing simulator
FXR drift :) why no one does it?
(82 posts, closed, started )
FXR drift :) why no one does it?
First of all i played on friend acc for no questions about ,but here it is modified bobs easy race with full lock and 5% front torque and i was like OMFG at results .One with xrt and second with fxr ,while drifting with xrt i miss a lot of power ,but with fxr it like fill this gap,maybe with more practise i can push more with xrt but anyway watch and say anything
Attached files
fxr drift.spr - 34.2 KB - 240 views
XRT BLR DRIFT.spr - 38.6 KB - 185 views
A friends account? uh huh
(noel_cr) DELETED by Bob Smith : cracker spam
Yes it is,anyway im going to buy my in few weeks speak on topic
(james12s) DELETED by Bob Smith : cracker spam
im the onlyt person who do's it.... but no " drift " servers allow it :S but then allow the xrr
Quote from simkazzz :Yes it is,anyway im going to buy my in few weeks speak on topic

And the account of your friend is................???????
simkazzz - please post the license name of your friends account. If you do not wish to disclose it publically, you may PM me. No evidence = no forum access for you, sir.
Yeah, like thats gonna happen!!!
#8 - Hawku
Well he could just pick one from list and say that he used his account?
Anyways should i see his lfswname in .spr with ctrl+shift? Because i cant in this replay
just to post on-topic: I think the reason no one does it because its not really a car suited to drifting, and plus, its too damn easy. Drifting the FXR requires no skill what so ever, you just turn and boot the throttle.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :just to post on-topic: I think the reason no one does it because its not really a car suited to drifting, and plus, its too damn easy. Drifting the FXR requires no skill what so ever, you just turn and boot the throttle.

I agree, it's too easy to drift it, even with a set that grips the road like a cat digging it's claws into your legs. (I hate cats btw, evil little things).
Shift+Ctrl during replay and chack the name against member database before you guys go accusing the guy of cracking.
And even if he did, that's Scawens worry, not yours. (not speaking about mods of course, it's your worry as well).
Everyone acting like the American Gov't, sticking your nose into others BS.

Slicks are slighty funny in drift since they don't always behave they way you'd expect them to. Thay also burn way too fast making them last no longer then one lap in most cases. Since the FXR is AWD control is not a huge problem but tires are.
However, using slickmod, it should be possible to equip the FXR with street tires and have a lot of fun.
Quote from gohfeld23 :/OFF
Everyone acting like the American Gov't, sticking your nose into others BS.

lol sorry?
Quote from gohfeld23 :
Everyone acting like the American Gov't, sticking your nose into others BS.

haven't posted one of these baby's in a while
I got a FXR towing set that makes a sweet drift y0!

btw 1,500 post :huepfenic
Mmm, caramelised banana flambe *drool*
You sure know your desserts, Zac
Quote from simkazzz :First of all i played on friend acc for no questions about ,but here it is modified bobs easy race with full lock and 5% front torque and i was like OMFG at results .One with xrt and second with fxr ,while drifting with xrt i miss a lot of power ,but with fxr it like fill this gap,maybe with more practise i can push more with xrt but anyway watch and say anything

see you in a few weeks i guess:bananadea
(imthebestracerthereis) DELETED by imthebestracerthereis : sh!t post :/
did you let your therapist see this thread?
said it couldn't load his car in the first one for me. not sure but i've been having some unlock issues lately. And the xrt drifting is just terrible. is that auto tranny and KB?
Quote from gohfeld23 :/OFFEveryone acting like the American Gov't, sticking your nose into others BS.

Sorry fella, but in a PUBLIC forum, EVERY post is EVERYONES business.

Don't like it?, don't post or read PUBLIC forums, simple as
I was a bit pissy when I wrote that but I still stand by my comment (worded differently of course)
Chances are, most of the people accusing and posting flaming bananas have at least 2 cracked pieces of software or use p2p clients for music or movies.
Second, someone cracking LFS isn't money in or out of YOUR pocket.

So why the concern?

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone cracking and stealing. I'm one of the rare people that still buy music and rent movies as well as buy software. However, I don't see myself in the position to police forums after crackers.
We have devs and mods for that.

P.S. The latest census shows that the vast majority of people that have cracked LFS have bought it shortly after trying the full version. Can you say the same about the demo leeches?
I guess I'm just getting a bit sick and tired of the forum l33t-ness lately.
Lol it's incredibly off topic now.
Quote from gohfeld23 :So why the concern?

Why?, because people are thick as shit, simple as.

Yeah, sure, I have stuff on my PC that transends the borders of legality, who doesn't, but I am intelligent enough NOT to go into the piece of softwares forum and bleat on about it, coming out with some crap like, it's my friends license blah blah blah, like we are all stupid.

Nothing to do with l33tnes, crack the software, I really don't care, but don't come bleating on about it in the forum and trying to take us all for mugs with the same old "it's my friends license BS"
nobody drifts the FXR because it's a GTR, thus has slicks and not enough lock to drift properly...
I dont know why nobody drifts the LX6 (well, there are people, but not many of them are good)

sounds like you got all already figured out. so there is no need for evidence anymore.

why bother? it's ok if the forum admins like to check that out via PM but that witch hunt that happens EVERY time is annoying. it's not everyones business and it IS driving topics off topic (even if it's a drift topic).

if you want to be the police in the forum, contact mods/admins or "harrass" the criminal via pm.
This thread is closed

FXR drift :) why no one does it?
(82 posts, closed, started )