The online racing simulator
SO5/Uf1000; record 1.34.110; it's impossible.
To the second lap the driver Malcomax has realized the record of the track (SO5) with the Uf (1.49.90).
Al term of the race the server CTRA has assigned to Malcomax the record but immediately after, when the driver LordBlaster has exited from the box with the Uf, the record has been assigned to this driver with the time that had realized with the RB4: 1.34.110.

What has happened?

Look the replay:
We're looking into it.

Edit: Thanks for pointing that one out - the lap record has been deleted - time to go set a new UF1 record and get some points!
Something similar just happened on AS3, Race 2 server. The XFR lap record was set to 1:54-something but the guy it credited it to was driving an FZR.
Bug identified (rep ID 2009). Will be fixed in upcoming patch.

EDIT: Thanks Kev, same bug. I've cleared the record.
thanks, you are always attention.
But what is going to happend to the people that have impossible lap times? Have they cheated? Or is it just a bug or something?
If it`s a hack / cheat or something, will they get baned from CTRA?
#7 - Jakg
It's the X-System misreading something
Ah, ok
#9 - SamH
The incorrect lap records will be removed when they're identified and once they've been checked, to make sure that they're definitely errors.

Please post if you find one that's not as it should be. Becky has fixed the bug that caused the problem, but it's possible that some erroneous times are still in there at the moment. If the lap record looks strangely fast but there's no replay associated with it, we'll remove that record. When we recently reset records, the intention was to move straight to fully qualified lap records. Teething problems with the new mechanism means that there are still some unqualified records in there.
"Teathing Problems" implies the fault lie with the X-System that I wrote when it didn't!

The fault lay in the config file.

Which I also wrote.

EDIT: Oh there was also a bug but thats not why we dont have replays for some of our WR's. Less said the better... *cough the shame the shame!*