This is only half the truth. Indeed for race tracking there is some trouble due to fiddling about the old connection numbers. But from technical point of view I can not see any issue why outgauge and outsim should not work.... if someone is willing to implement the conversion of these few packets or... if there is a strong demand for one particular packet I would also do this.
And this is the other half of the truth, the response in the project's thread was very poor. Neither from other programmers nor from a user I have received any useful hint or request. I have posted the complete source code in the programmers forum, but there was no comment about current issues in my source code. I have also posted the complete source code, because I am too busy. I was hoping that somebody else would continue... no chance. It seems that there is not that much interest, so I discontinued this project.
Don't get me wrong! I would really like to continue the project (at least the things what is possible). But not without demand and without help.