Secret Weapon Drift School is a collaborative effort from a few drift teams from LFS. Secret Weapon is a drift club as well as a drift school. The club members which will be invite only will be the instructors. Students will be required to apply before he/she is accepted to the curriculum.
The course will be broken down to three courses, Basic Drifting, Intermediate Drifting and Advanced Drifting. Each applicant will apply for either one of the courses depending on which one he/she would like to learn. For beginners and drivers new to the scene the Basic Drifting course is a must, here they will learn how to initiate a drift and how to hold the drift etc. Intermediate Drifting will focus on how to become better at doing longer and high angle drifts, and also how to cut down time in the laps. Lastly once the student has completed or are already capable of passing the Basic Drifting and Intermediate Drifting courses they will move up to Advanced Drifting. The different styles of drifting will be taught in Advanced Drifting, such as Speed Drift, Show Drift, and Speed+Show Drifting. And also in this course they will learn how to twin other drivers, group drift, and battle.
Now that the courses has been explained, I will give some more background about Secret Weapon. Secret Weapon is being sponsored by Shikane Drifters, Peer, and Wheels of Destiny. We're also trying to get contracts out to other drift teams. What the contract is that a student, once graduated from Secret Weapon and we feel is ready to be a part and also an asset to a team will be able to choose to join from one of the teams the school is in contract with(team vacancy will be a factor in this one). So far the teams that are in contract with Secret Weapon are Shikane Drifters, Peer, Wangan Ghosts and Carbz team which doesnt have a name. I still need to contact a few leaders of other teams to see if they are interested in this. I know it sounds like this is mainly focused on the school, but when not teaching the club members will enjoy each other's company drifting, chilling, conversing with each other etc. I hope many of you will support this and contact us if you would like to be a part of the contract.
E-mail me at
[email protected]
or TeinDrift at
[email protected]
Our site which is under construction is: