(15 posts, started )
#1 - J@tko
In this thread, please post all those moments when playing, watching, looking at a website e.t.c to do with LFS

Heres mine:

Quote from http://noobs.vossmedia.de :
On a page entitled 'Fastest noobs' - with each drivers PBs.

GP XFG Boosted

Their motto: The noobs are faster than you think.

Yes, indeed, nearly 4 secs faster than the WR - they're much faster than I thought!!!!
Slickmod ftw
Well this one time I was looking at a thread in the off topic section, iirc, it had to do with some guy making fun of a typo on another racing site. Hold on, I'll try and find a link...

http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=32217 There ya go
#5 - J@tko
- just wondering - how is that a typo - thats two numbers wrong, or a v.slow driver - even for a noob team

EDIT: and it is repeated further down the page: http://noobs.vossmedia.de/stats.php (if you click on Boosted)
Well 1:29 is a common n00b time in the XRT...
Quote from dropin_biking :Well 1:29 is a common n00b time in the XRT...

hmmm, typo?

GP XFG Boosted

Think again my friend
Yes that's what I meant. I believe it was a typo on the site, either towards the car used, or the laptime made. I'm guessing the first because 1:29 is a very common time for beginners in the XRT, not the XFG.
But Noobs Racing Team are a very good racing team and have been around for a good while now with experienced racers.

Also, Boosted said he was using slickmod
Quote :Slickmod ftw

so its quite possible for him to do that sort of time in a XFG

Can slickmod actually give you that good of a laptime increase? The XFG is pretty tipy, wouldn't slicks just throw it on its roof in the corners if you pushed the limits? Plus the car wouldn't be any faster in a straight line (think of the long straight in Blackwood)
#11 - Jakg
It's not a typo, afaik that's grabbed direct from LFSW.
it can if uve got a good setup.
i have even done a 1:27.xx but that was in single player.
u should give it a try, its a lot of fun to drive the road cars with slicks!
Quote from niall09 :But Noobs Racing Team are a very good racing team and have been around for a good while now with experienced racers.

Also, Boosted said he was using slickmod so its quite possible for him to do that sort of time in a XFG

Ok - he was using slickmod

Can we get on with the LOL topic now please (im surprised Harjun hasn't been mentioned yet!)
Quote from J@tko :(im surprised Harjun hasn't been mentioned yet!)

We don't want to crash the forum from overloading bandwidth with all the posts...
(speedway) DELETED by speedway
Quote from speedway :nowhere does it say..

...if you quote, please do it right

OK, OK, it says

Quote from http://noobs.vossmedia.de/ :
(oh, and please keep in mind: [noobs] ain't as slow as you might think)

Near enough!!

(15 posts, started )