I'd buy a new car (no idea what though - an S2000 might be nice, depending on the test drive).
I'd buy a newer racing car - still an F3 car, but maybe 2003 spec Dallara
I'd buy a decent PC, a decent camera, pay off some of the mortgage early if I can.
I'd buy a CNC Mill and Lathe for work, and the associated stuff
I'd get someone in to do my decorating, and my garden (so that it requires minimal maintaining, but without simply tarmacing it)
Whole new wardrobe (contents, that is)
Decent TV, Hifi etc, nice sofas...
None would go to charity (well, maybe a bit to the local Air Ambulance, but that's about it).
Oh, and I'd probably buy something silly, like a classic Mustang with a ridiculously large V8 in it, but only for the weekends, and certainly not for handling prowess