The online racing simulator
LFS Team Website Hosting
(7 posts, started )
LFS Team Website Hosting
Hi guys, first of all I apologise if you consider this as shameless advertising, if so I am sure a mod/admin will do their job!

LFS is obviously growing, and along with that there is many new teams popping up, who might need a webby to call their home, as well as the lots of estabilished teams, who are living off popup ridden free web sites.

Now, I confess I am not an angel, and I am not doing this as an act of charity, but what I will do is offer hosting at what it costs me (meaning I make little or no profit), I guess its my way of giving something to the community without errr....losing something .

Heres a rough deal, im sure we can negotiate something!

100mb Webspace
3gb Transfer
Unlimited Emails, Mysql databases, Ftp accounts, Cpanel and much much more (haha so cliche!)

I will offer this for $30 for 6 months, and $50 for a whole year, and includes a domain name!

I am not sure if its a good deal to you guys, but to me it looks fair. Sure, you can go for sum massive 100gb plan, but i think this is sufficient for most team needs, if not, like I said we'll work something out! Also, this includes leagues as well

I am also willing to install popular forums like Invision, phpBB and Vbulletin free of charge, and it should take no more than a day!

As for payment, direct deposit, paypal, errr cash too

I will be creating a website for this soon, but for now you give me a PM, or leave a message here if your interested, OR email me at [email protected]

The server is located in US, but i dont think its much of a problem for you euros, you can test the speed on this site, which is hosted on that server -

Well that does it for me, again im sorry if this is considered unappropiate.



Just some calculations for fun:

.com,.org,.net Domain usually goes for around $10
So that ends up being $20 for 6 months of hosting which is $3.33 per month.
wow! sounds like a great deal!
wish you all the best for the future!
#3 - ORION
3gb? LoL
We made almost 500GB last month
Any chance to get some 2GB 1TB traffic for the same price? LOL
3GB monthly transfer would be hard to reach IF you didn't host large/popular files. Even a huge skinpack, video, or whatever it may be... that can boost the transfer charts way up

I had a 46mb file hosted a few months ago and apparently in one month I went double over my monthly limit for this particular domain. 2 weeks after that, it settled at 8gb transfer in just 2 days. :doh: I had to delete the file.

Still 3gb transfer is respectable if you only want a website full of information and small files. Forums could be made possible, but they'd have to limit attachment sizes for sure. I have one domain that is hardly even used... and I am the only person hosting files on it... it almost reaches a 2gb limit every month, but imagine if a team got their hands on files and stuff... it goes beyond 3gb
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I am not selling this for somebody to make another moviespit! it is sufficient for a info website, and fairly decent forum - 1000 posts a month at least
sounds good
#7 - ORION
Yes, as long as you dont want to host bigger files, the 3GB are fine

LFS Team Website Hosting
(7 posts, started )