Ok, that's a funny question. illepall
I recently wondered, if LFS takes into account the weight of the driver. As you know, you can choose in the player-options either a male or a female driver. It looks, like the female driver is smaller and therefore would be of lighter weight than the male driver.
Does this make a difference on track? Will I get a faster acceleration due to lower total weight if I pick a female driver?
Well, I guess not, but would be nice to have it confirmed here.
Otherwise, I clearly would drive as woman in the future. :huepfenic
I recently wondered, if LFS takes into account the weight of the driver. As you know, you can choose in the player-options either a male or a female driver. It looks, like the female driver is smaller and therefore would be of lighter weight than the male driver.
Does this make a difference on track? Will I get a faster acceleration due to lower total weight if I pick a female driver?
Well, I guess not, but would be nice to have it confirmed here.
Otherwise, I clearly would drive as woman in the future. :huepfenic