The online racing simulator
hi niels, would you care to try the same test with this attached setup?

720deg & 106% force in drivers, 720deg & ~50% in LFS..

when i induce oversteer at almost any speed and let the steering go it autocenters every time for me..that is with full throttle. so the car doesn't spin unless i do it very aggressively. i'd also like to try the set you used in your tests. might be the set or might be the lower power of the xrg..
Attached files
XR GT_SO1.set - 132 B - 239 views
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :The point was to see if there are any differences in how 'stable' and 'quick' the FF is in 300, 600 and 900 modes. When the sim is kept the same, it will *desire* the same thing from the wheel in these three wheel settings, so if different things happen, the wheel must be the cause.

There may be something you haven't thought of - if you want the wheel to react in the same way at 300, 600 and 900 degrees won't you need to alter your in-game (oops, sim!) steering lock as well as the wheel rotation? e.g. if you used 15 degrees at 300 then you should use 30 @ 600 and 45 @ 900?
Kompa, I don't think I'll fire up LFS until the new patch comes.. Plus it wasn't so much a test of a car in LFS, more looking at the differences in 300 /600 / 900.

Ade, understandable thought; but nope, I wanted the game..umm sim to be the same. So it would *desire* the same thing from the steeringwheel. The G25 just had either 300, 600 or 900 degrees of steering to do. The sim didn't change, just the wheel. So ideally the car reaction would be the same, just the G25 having to turn more / quicker in order to keep up with the sim.
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :Ade, understandable thought; but nope, I wanted the game..umm sim to be the same. So it would *desire* the same thing from the steeringwheel. The G25 just had either 300, 600 or 900 degrees of steering to do. The sim didn't change, just the wheel. So ideally the car reaction would be the same, just the G25 having to turn more / quicker in order to keep up with the sim.

My head is now going round in circles, one minute agreeing the next disagreeing... more coffee!

Edit: Coffee worked, I'll shut up now
Slightly OT - I've installed rF on my new PC and the FF seems a lot better with a higher frame rate (credit to LFS even with single digit frame rates on my old system at times the FF never skipped a beat), however, on the Nordschleife (Race King and 2007 edition) with the Corvette (with the real feel FF settings selected in upgrades) I find that it violently produces a force one way then against it the next frame, obviously trying to keep the car straight but struggling due to the fidelity of the FF.

I've tried adding damping, which made the problem worse with bigger hacks of the wheel either way and adding smoothing that didn't appear to do anything. Is there anyway to get rid of this problem using real feel?
I sacrifice everything for framerate, making sure its 100+ all the time. This gives swift response and non jerky FF. I also don't run vsync and have the 'frames rendered ahead' to zero.

Sudden jerks might also mean you have not set the max force value setup properly; its some 6500 for the corvette. If you use a G25, you can also set the extra options in the realfeel file to smoothing level zero. Damping should be 11500 for the corvette which equals 'no damping'.

So 11500 damping is no damping, and smoothing level 0 is no smoothing. This, a 100+fps framerate, a max force set to ~6500 and a G25 is what I use..