ok im sitting here with my wheel in bitts
, thinking why do i love LFS so mutch???
i keep a pretty close eye on whats new in the gaming world, and they seem to make em by the boat load these days, i have a wordrobe FILLED with games, but i only play on what 4??? on a regular basis, so what is it?? whats the differnce between LFS and the other boat load i have..
i was just reading some reviews on LFS and although it was getting some grate reviews and remarks, the bad things they had to say i actualy like about LFS..
the devs have done somthing that 999.9% of dev's/pubs refuse to do and that is give the player quality CONTENT!...
GRAFIX..... maybe one of the biggest selling points in todays gaming industry, imo its a sutch a shame, is LFS cutting edge?? by no means! is it ugly/outdated imo again by no means, the devs hit it PERFECT!, this meansthe game gets more people able to run the game, everyone is expected to run alienware pc's these days just to run tetrus
one of the things mentioned in most reviews was the menu's/layout in LFS, call me nuts but i LIKE IT! most games these days have stupidly fancy menu's were some programer has spent weeks and IM PAYING FOR THAT, now all thats fine the first time you open up the game (this goes for grafix too), but after a day playing it means NOTHING!, ill admit when i first fired up and saw the menu's in LFS i thought "hhmm bit plain" but to be honest i wanted to grab a car and go for spin, not marvel at a awsome menu comfiguration... i spend milliseconds in that part of LFS...
what im saying is the above means nothing after 3x of starting the game, i understand some people like top notch grafix, but these games are constantly pushing what's possible, thats grate but 9x out of ten there very unstable, and thats ALL they are grafix...
i have tons of games that have insane grafix but i dont play em, to the masses grafix is the kiddie! but we simer's are a special breed
and LFS is at the forefront imo..
i open up LFS now and i can picture the devs saying "yea i know its not the prettest but come through here see where we HAVE spent the time", considering LFS is still not finnished we still have one of if not THE BEST! technical simulation model out there, tires/suspension downforce, you name it its cutting edge, stuff missing yea we know there is but i sit here now KNOWING that the devs are spending the time on the things that count, upgrading the tire moddel the aero model, adding this feature ading that feature, and not spending MONTHS on killer grafix updates and menu re-shuffles...
when a patch is released we GET SOMETHING! sometimes thats small somtimes big, but the word "patch" to most game devs out there means "to fix what we stuffed up in begining" yes we have had a few of these here, but VERY few and far between, these mutli million£/$ outfits knock out games with no sound and you just shelled out 50 quid! well all those millions sure aint gone to quality control has it???
when S3 hitts we will probably have updated grafix and god knows what else BUT it will still have the awsome content AND those grafix wont kill everyones PC's ....
so to cap it all off i love LFS becasue for once the some devs decided to put there time and effort into CONTENT, not flashy this and blinging that, plus it works sollid, they worked on what counts, and thats WHAT COUNTS FOR ME...
i wont shell out for those grafix munchin mosters of games again ill just buy 20 copies of s3 so the ones who deserve it get my hard earned doe not some nancy sitting in a office bigger than my house saying " will it sell???? grate that will do"

i keep a pretty close eye on whats new in the gaming world, and they seem to make em by the boat load these days, i have a wordrobe FILLED with games, but i only play on what 4??? on a regular basis, so what is it?? whats the differnce between LFS and the other boat load i have..
i was just reading some reviews on LFS and although it was getting some grate reviews and remarks, the bad things they had to say i actualy like about LFS..
the devs have done somthing that 999.9% of dev's/pubs refuse to do and that is give the player quality CONTENT!...
GRAFIX..... maybe one of the biggest selling points in todays gaming industry, imo its a sutch a shame, is LFS cutting edge?? by no means! is it ugly/outdated imo again by no means, the devs hit it PERFECT!, this meansthe game gets more people able to run the game, everyone is expected to run alienware pc's these days just to run tetrus

one of the things mentioned in most reviews was the menu's/layout in LFS, call me nuts but i LIKE IT! most games these days have stupidly fancy menu's were some programer has spent weeks and IM PAYING FOR THAT, now all thats fine the first time you open up the game (this goes for grafix too), but after a day playing it means NOTHING!, ill admit when i first fired up and saw the menu's in LFS i thought "hhmm bit plain" but to be honest i wanted to grab a car and go for spin, not marvel at a awsome menu comfiguration... i spend milliseconds in that part of LFS...
what im saying is the above means nothing after 3x of starting the game, i understand some people like top notch grafix, but these games are constantly pushing what's possible, thats grate but 9x out of ten there very unstable, and thats ALL they are grafix...
i have tons of games that have insane grafix but i dont play em, to the masses grafix is the kiddie! but we simer's are a special breed

i open up LFS now and i can picture the devs saying "yea i know its not the prettest but come through here see where we HAVE spent the time", considering LFS is still not finnished we still have one of if not THE BEST! technical simulation model out there, tires/suspension downforce, you name it its cutting edge, stuff missing yea we know there is but i sit here now KNOWING that the devs are spending the time on the things that count, upgrading the tire moddel the aero model, adding this feature ading that feature, and not spending MONTHS on killer grafix updates and menu re-shuffles...
when a patch is released we GET SOMETHING! sometimes thats small somtimes big, but the word "patch" to most game devs out there means "to fix what we stuffed up in begining" yes we have had a few of these here, but VERY few and far between, these mutli million£/$ outfits knock out games with no sound and you just shelled out 50 quid! well all those millions sure aint gone to quality control has it???
when S3 hitts we will probably have updated grafix and god knows what else BUT it will still have the awsome content AND those grafix wont kill everyones PC's ....
so to cap it all off i love LFS becasue for once the some devs decided to put there time and effort into CONTENT, not flashy this and blinging that, plus it works sollid, they worked on what counts, and thats WHAT COUNTS FOR ME...
i wont shell out for those grafix munchin mosters of games again ill just buy 20 copies of s3 so the ones who deserve it get my hard earned doe not some nancy sitting in a office bigger than my house saying " will it sell???? grate that will do"