The online racing simulator
Beeping sound?
(49 posts, started )
I've been hearing that for a while too.

Gets VERY annoying..
lol, dunno what you are on, but mine is fine
It's quite high pitch, so it might be out of your hearing range
#29 - Jakg
Wow, i thought i was the only one that could hear this!

Seeing as it gets louder the faster you go, i've always thought the gear-whine loop didn't make a proper loop - i find this most notable in the GTR's, esp the XRR.
Quote from Jakg :Wow, i thought i was the only one that could hear this!

Yep ive noticed it ages ago, but i thought it was normal and common knowledge... Seems not with this thread being made so late after the sound updates...

With me mostly driving the GTR's these days, mainly FXR iv'e seem to become somewhat used to it, however im still curious as to what it actually is.

Anyone tried playing with the sounds in game? (Shift+A) to see if any of those options change it. I have a suspision that it is the turbo, fully spooled while the car is in motion... however normal RL cars wouldnt do that.
#31 - Jakg
Like i said, the Gear Whine sound is, afaik, based on a single looping sample - i think that DaveWS took a real sound and tried to make it sound good looping, only it doesn't properly loop and as such you get the annoying noise.
Quote from Jakg :Like i said, the Gear Whine sound is, afaik, based on a single looping sample - i think that DaveWS took a real sound and tried to make it sound good looping, only it doesn't properly loop and as such you get the annoying noise.

Possible i guess.
Isn't it obvious guys? There are bombs on your cars and they are set off after a certain time is done (Like 31.XX on the oval :P). So if you want your car to explode try and go for that world record :P....Actually..It arms the bomb after you do it..but if you go under 155MPH your car explodes...thats how that movie Speed
Quote from GruntOfAction :Isn't it obvious guys? There are bombs on your cars and they are set off after a certain time is done (Like 31.XX on the oval :P). So if you want your car to explode try and go for that world record :P....Actually..It arms the bomb after you do it..but if you go under 155MPH your car explodes...thats how that movie Speed

:ambulance "fastly sending an ambulance to biggie. In case he slows down some day"
It's probably just the car beeping to let you know the temp has dropped below 0 degrees c or 37 farenheight. It's an ice warning thing, lots of cars have it.
Right, it seems that if you disable gear whine in shift+a, the beeping disapears. But I can't figure out what it actually is... maybe someone can isolate the gear whine audio file and test it? I really don't know how!
#37 - Gunn
The voices in my head are telling me to suggest that this is sound card, or sound driver related.
If you try LFS on different sound hardware, the performance of the sound engine (and the actual sound quality) varies between each sound card.

This was highlighted when the first incarnation of the new sound engine was released, I recall several people reporting certain issues while others had no such issues at all, or had different issues. After upgrading my PC a while ago I notice a marked difference in LFS sound. I can now hear things (good and bad) that I wasn't hearing on the old hardware.
The broad range of opinions on LFS' current sounds also suggests to me that due to our different sound hardware/driver/speaker setups, we aren't all on the same page.
Quote from Gunn :The voices in my head are telling me to suggest that this is sound card, or sound driver related.
If you try LFS on different sound hardware, the performance of the sound engine (and the actual sound quality) varies between each sound card.

Nah, it's in the sample used in the gearwhine, you can hear it there if you play it in an audio player and loop it. About half-way through there's a "click" of sorts that turns into what everyone describes as a beeping sound as you modulate the sample frequency. Editing it out is pretty easy, I'll have a go at it later on today or tomorrow.
I agree, that it is the gear whine, however I hadent noticed it 'til' i had read this thread. Proof of this, to me, was when I changed the gear whine RPM, the beeping sound would slow down as I raised the effective RPM. Also,when I changed the RPM to the lowest setting the sound would be almost continous. I assume that the sound must be caused by the short length of the sound file, and the looping of said sound.
Oh hey - I forgot - here's the "non-beeping" sample. After you unzip (forum doesn't allow .wav attachments) it in your data\engine directory load it as your gearwhine sound: shift+a then click on the "L" button and select it.

I'll probably do a better, less oscillating loop later on.
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looping sounds
i have noticed it is almost impossible to get the sounds looping smootly in lfs.. for example the air intake sound sounds pretty bad. you would think looping white noise was easy?
Quote from Not Sure :you would think looping white noise was easy?

Quite the contrary, given the randomness of white noise it's one of the hardest sounds to loop properly if you're using tiny samples like LFS does - and the smaller a sample is the less room there is for randomness in it. The air intake sample is just 0.227 seconds long.
Quote from xaotik :Quite the contrary, given the randomness of white noise it's one of the hardest sounds to loop properly if you're using tiny samples like LFS does - and the smaller a sample is the less room there is for randomness in it. The air intake sample is just 0.227 seconds long.

makes sense. i tried the gearwhine sample you posted earlier, but didn't notice any difference. i haven't heard any beeping sounds anyway, just a bad sample loop
Quote from Not Sure :makes sense. i tried the gearwhine sample you posted earlier, but didn't notice any difference. i haven't heard any beeping sounds anyway, just a bad sample loop

Easiest way to detect it is to get on the oval with the FZR, disable all sounds but the gearwhine and just drive around in top speed. You'll hear a recurring high pitched noise (not exactly a clear "beep") - higher pitch than the rest of the gearwhine, it's because of a different freq sound right in the middle of the original gearwhine sample which gets distorted from the pitch shifting (basically timeshrinking) that LFS does. To be honest, I hadn't really paid attention to it before this thread.

I wish the samples were longer, like double the timelength or something, then proper looping would be easy without resorting to boring sounds. Currently I can make a clear looping gearwhine without any oscillation in it but after a while it sounds very dead and boring because the sample is just 0.772 seconds long...
Does LFS automatically cut long wav files? Because maybe someone with access to good sound editing software (Not me anyway lol) could "stretch" the gear whine sound and work on it...maybe its not not possible, I don't know much about sound editing...
It's preset (based on filesize iirc) so there's not much we can do - it doesn't allow you to add longer samples. I am not sure if it expects 44.1kHz 16bit samples specifically though or if one could use lower quality but longer samples instead.
Quote from xaotik :It's preset (based on filesize iirc) so there's not much we can do - it doesn't allow you to add longer samples. I am not sure if it expects 44.1kHz 16bit samples specifically though or if one could use lower quality but longer samples instead.

that sucks...
I was just playing around with it and it's possible to use lower quality samples for longer duration. Whenever I have some free time again I'll see if I can knock up something that's decent sounding.
Okies - so here it is, as good as I can make for now. This sound is basically synthesized from scratch with some added random noise that won't detectably loop and oscillate. It sounds a bit "cleaner" than the sample used in LFS but there's nothing I can do about that without adding more elements that will cause an ear-detectable loop. I dropped it to 22kHz in an attempt to make it longer, but sadly LFS also seems to check the timelength, so no dice on that - however the reduced sample rate gave it a dirtier/more quantized sound that I think suits it fine.
Attached files - 22.1 KB - 156 views

Beeping sound?
(49 posts, started )