Marco Mark's Grid Order Mod (Alpha)
(42 posts, started )
Marco Mark's Grid Order Mod (Alpha)
My Grid Order Mod allows server, league and race admins to set certain grid order rules. Please note that this is a very early Alpha Release and should not be treated as stable/reliable. You should have some basic knowledge of InSim and Server Admin before trying this add-on. If you have any questions please ask and please let me know if you have tested this and what the results were. Thank you!

The following modes are currently supported:
    Keep track of the grid order from the previous race. /spectate and disconnects do not interfere with the gridorder as long as the player re-connects before the next race starts
    Reverse the top x grid positions from the previous race result.
    Allow an admin to specify a custom grid order for the next race via an in-game screen
Still to be added are some more Grid Order modes including grid order based on lap times and pbs. The handling of DNFs, disconnects and /pit /spectate will be added shortly.

For more details and to download the mod please go to

Just a quick update to let you know that I have uploaded an updated v0.0.1001 which fixes some bugs and allows the moving of players in the in-game custom list by pressing SHIFT+Left mouse to move up and SHIFT+Right mouse to move down.

Updated version available at
thats going to be baby-r-tastic... great job indeed!

v0.0.1002 Just uploaded.

Updates & Fixes:
  • Qualifying results are ignored completely
  • *reorder command
    This new command allows you to request MM Grid Order to sort the grid for the next race prior to a restart to enable you to then use the *custom 1 command to customize the new reversed race order.
  • Re-send of race order after restart countdown to slot late-joiners into their correct grid positions.
#6 - Dru
We have been testing on Baby-R server

Working like a charm

One piece of advice?

Any chance of making buttons?

Also what is the chances of in custom order button to have positions 1-32 so that yuo can easily see the positions ?
Glad to hear it's all working

Good suggestions mate - will see what I can do tomorrow although I won't have a lot of time. Stay tuned
#8 - Dru
Quote from F.Rizzo :Glad to hear it's all working

Good suggestions mate - will see what I can do tomorrow although I won't have a lot of time. Stay tuned

Nice to hear.

No need to rush the mod's - looks like 1002 is working perfectly
I get a runtime error 53 :/
Please could you let me know when exactly you get the error, what operating system you are using and a rough idea of your computer spec.

Sorry wasn't quite with it earlier. Forgot a small routine wen publishing the update.

You got the error because you didn't have an autostart.cfg - I have published 1003 which should fix this.

#12 - Dru
major problem with the system...

we could not effectively use it last night.

reason, we had 40 people on the server and the screen is not large enough to be able to putr people onto the grid in all slots and also to move people about.

We had to manually ask 32 drivers to join twice which was very slow and time consuming.

Anychance chances can be made to make it more user friendly in these situations with a slider bar or something similar etc etc?

Best Regards,

Ah crap. Didn't really think about that. Easiest solution would be for me to change the button size. I sized the buttons to fit 32ish player names on the screen. Will sort this asap.

Hope it didn't cause too much inconvenience!!!
#14 - Dru
Quote from F.Rizzo :Ah crap. Didn't really think about that. Easiest solution would be for me to change the button size. I sized the buttons to fit 32ish player names on the screen. Will sort this asap.

Hope it didn't cause too much inconvenience!!!

nah mate - it just took longer doing it manually - but if it's something yuo can change then thats great


1004 Uploaded (here)
  • Added Grid Position numbers to custom list
    (e.g. 01 - MAR||Marco)
  • Decreased button sizes to fit more connections on screen
Aye Mark I down it and will have ag o at it as well. As it seemed it worked like a charm at ZWR. So i decide to have a go at it at our server/ I will get back at it when its up and running.
Good work mate!

We should use it in our league.
#19 - Dru
Quote from niels1 :Aye Mark I down it and will have ag o at it as well. As it seemed it worked like a charm at ZWR. So i decide to have a go at it at our server/ I will get back at it when its up and running.

we were not actually using it Niels on Race night, we did all that manually but we have tested it and with the latest versino should be used in ernest at SO Classic
This addon is exactly what i´m looking for.... the only problem is that is not working...
I know, you said i need some basic knowledge of insim, but... can you help me a little bit?
Tell me if this is right:
The server must be connected to insim relay, right?
I must know the server IP and port and put it in the right window of the app.
I put the server name in the left window, and click add server, then i´ll see the connections, and etc..
Thanks for your patience...
Quote from Locovich :This addon is exactly what i´m looking for.... the only problem is that is not working...
I know, you said i need some basic knowledge of insim, but... can you help me a little bit?
Tell me if this is right:
The server must be connected to insim relay, right?
I must know the server IP and port and put it in the right window of the app.
I put the server name in the left window, and click add server, then i´ll see the connections, and etc..
Thanks for your patience...


I will try and write a small guide as this would apply to any of my add-ons. The app does not sue Insim Relay. You need to either run the app on the same machine as the server or contact your host to find out what insim port is open on your server for remote access.

You need to know the server uip, the insim port (this needs to be open on the server's firewall if remote) and the reply port (2nd box) can be any unused port (this port needs to be open on your firewall/router).

I will try and put a small guide/tutorial together tomorrow!
We have successfully used the app at so classic on thursday! Okay, there were only 30 people to sort, but it worked flawlessly! We'll try it again, thanks for this very useful app!


der butz
it doesnt work for me ... i use latest version
my LFS server use insim port 29903, some admin password and IP adress, i set listen port to 29904.

when i press connect button i have this problem according to guide

"If the label turns back to black and still says Connect, then there was a problem, most likely with either the settings, or your firewall/router configuration."

it is necessary to run this software on host PC or not?

ps: insim relay at works OK for that server, so my ports are not blocked
Ok, Running the Software on the host PC is usually the easiest solution if that is a possibility because you are less likely to have any network/firewall config problems.

How do you connect to the Internet and what Operating System do you have? My guess is that your port 29904 is not open.

Try searching google for guides on how to open TCP/UDP Ports on your router and operating system. There are many good guides out there that should work.

If you can't find any of the info please let me know and I will try to talk you through it.
