Hey Fellow Racers 
My new steering wheel arrived today - don't get too excited, it's only a cheap one from amazon...figured a wheel and pedals would be better than the joystick i'm using.
I'll give you my thoughts once i've had a play, as the wheel was under £20!
On another note, a little advise;
...Been racing recently on the Redline servers, and when starting towards the front of the grid on Aston Club I get mullured every time!
Make it through T1 safely and relitively easily holding my position, then on the first half of the S-Bend I get shunted off.
My thoughts are that this is because I take this corner very "warey" (Think that's the right word!) With no one either side I ease off slightly and take the racing line carefully - tyres are still cold!
Then I get other cars flying up and ramming me on the inside!
Now, the question is who is in the right? I thought that as I have the racing line and am infront they shouldn't just drive into me - after all i'm not exactly crawling! Or should I be flying through at full speed with cold tyres and not in full control which would increase the chances of me ruining not just my own race, but others too!
Any thoughts?!

My new steering wheel arrived today - don't get too excited, it's only a cheap one from amazon...figured a wheel and pedals would be better than the joystick i'm using.
I'll give you my thoughts once i've had a play, as the wheel was under £20!
On another note, a little advise;
...Been racing recently on the Redline servers, and when starting towards the front of the grid on Aston Club I get mullured every time!
Make it through T1 safely and relitively easily holding my position, then on the first half of the S-Bend I get shunted off.
My thoughts are that this is because I take this corner very "warey" (Think that's the right word!) With no one either side I ease off slightly and take the racing line carefully - tyres are still cold!
Then I get other cars flying up and ramming me on the inside!
Now, the question is who is in the right? I thought that as I have the racing line and am infront they shouldn't just drive into me - after all i'm not exactly crawling! Or should I be flying through at full speed with cold tyres and not in full control which would increase the chances of me ruining not just my own race, but others too!
Any thoughts?!