I've seen a bunch of G25 threads where you can't get the car into reverse gear at all, this is a different problem though.
When I put ANY car in reverse, the wheel seems to pull the wrong direction and the FFB gets extremely heavy. When I shift back to a forward gear everything is fine again. I've been experiencing this problem ever since I got the wheel but just ignored it because I'm not actually in reverse all that much. Has anyone else had this problem? Am I just missing some setting I should enable? Maybe this is how its supposed to be and I'm just imagining things, but it definitely doesn't feel right. Also, I have the wheel all set up according to the wheel guide in the LFS manual.
When I put ANY car in reverse, the wheel seems to pull the wrong direction and the FFB gets extremely heavy. When I shift back to a forward gear everything is fine again. I've been experiencing this problem ever since I got the wheel but just ignored it because I'm not actually in reverse all that much. Has anyone else had this problem? Am I just missing some setting I should enable? Maybe this is how its supposed to be and I'm just imagining things, but it definitely doesn't feel right. Also, I have the wheel all set up according to the wheel guide in the LFS manual.