Xbox 360
(48 posts, started )
I never played Halo 2 and my only experience of Halo 1 was on the PC a long long time ago, so I wasn't familiar with the story or anything. I read up on some spoilers so that I could pick up Halo 3 where they left off.

The grunts say some hilarious stuff when you're shooting at them, it's just a shame that you miss a lot of it. "Ow! You bully!" But Halo 3's online modes are great. The only downside is not being able to select a specific mode like CTF. I've only noticed lag a couple of times and it was specific to those games, so I blamed someone's lame connection. I don't use any preference options to keep my net wide. The only real downside is the achievement whoring that goes on sometimes, but that's not too big an issue yet.

But I've not been back to H3 since I got CoD4. The single-player tells a really good story and has some real "I am never gonna make it out of here" moments, like the end of the Pripyat flashback where you have a sniper rifle and 50 zillion enemies to kill. Great stuff.
And the multiplayer has so many options I've not even tried half of them yet. Ranked Captain 2 right now, level 31 in case anyone cares Create-a-Class is a great idea and the unlocks don't create an imbalance at all - you can kill just as well with the starting rifle as you can with the higher level ones. Better in some cases. Just don't think you can hide behind a wall if you've been spotted by a sniper

Bah, now I wanna play it
I go on the bungie forums for Halo 3 quite a bit, since I do enjoy playing Halo 3 online with some friends, messing about on big team battle is a laugh. Most of the threads on Bungie talk about how Halo 3 lacks the special feeling Halo 1 and 2 had, I think they just need to tweak it really, in spring we will have the 2nd map pack, hopefully by then they will have improved it. Most annoying is the beat down system, where the person with the most health wins everytime, even if you hit them half a second before they hit you. Halo 3 is still a great game though, it can be better though. I play it for the laughs too.
call of duty 4 ive got it i always play it on live
Quote from daddyo :Test drive unlimited: really good simulator....


TDU is in NO way a simulator. It is good fun for cruising on (especially on a PC with a G25 :P) but it should NEVER be classed as a simulator. Its physics are bloody terrible.

*strolls away*

I thought i would give this a bump, as it saves me making a new thread.

Im buying a Xbox 360 elite for my birthday (which is tomorow! w00t! ) and im wondering if you guys can suggest any good games to get for it?

Im considering Forza 2, PGR4 and maybe TDU. Anyone can suggest anymore, mainly FPS and driving?

And dont mention GTA4, already pre-ordered
Get Call of Duty 4!
Been playing the Beautiful Katamari demo, that game looks like it will be well worth getting if you like wacky japanese games.
I'd recommend buying Skate. to anyone who owns a 360 or ps3, it absolutely blows the Tony Hawk franchise out the window, and has nearly endless playability.

As for TDU, I bought this when I first got my 360, I think I kept it for about a day before I went and traded it in, the main reason was the physics, they are horrible IMO, as one user in here has said, it can be good fun for just cruising with a wheel, but that's really all it had going for it imo.
Quote from WizardHat :I'd recommend buying Skate. to anyone who owns a 360 or ps3, it absolutely blows the Tony Hawk franchise out the window, and has nearly endless playability.

A friend of mine played Skate at my place this weekend. He doesn't like video games in general, but called me the next day and asked how much he'd have to spend for an xbox and skate...
#35 - Ziil
I'll say I'm sorry upfront for you people who are getting the box.
Remember you can do a repair order online at ! no need to call to CS
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Rainbow Six Vegas is classic now, so its cheaper to buy, and loads of people still play it. I don't have it, because for me nothing can be better than Raven Shield on the PC. All my mates play it, and always bug me to buy it.

Good man. I played RavenShield quite a bit in coop with a friend. (which actually lead to some interesting video-series which never quite took off, although we could have had 50+ if we recorded all those 'ravenshield moments' )

Also, let's not call Vegas a Rainbow Six game. It's more like Gears of War meets Brothers in Arms meets Serious Sam.
So... "Serious Gears in Arms Vegas 6"
Quote from OneCrazyDiamond :Get Call of Duty 4!

Call of duty is very sweet. I already have this for my PC, and its serious fun. Graphics are immense! I may get this for Xbox too at a later date though.

Quote from WizardHat :I'd recommend buying Skate. to anyone who owns a 360 or ps3, it absolutely blows the Tony Hawk franchise out the window, and has nearly endless playability.

As for TDU, I bought this when I first got my 360, I think I kept it for about a day before I went and traded it in, the main reason was the physics, they are horrible IMO, as one user in here has said, it can be good fun for just cruising with a wheel, but that's really all it had going for it imo.

I borrowed skate off of my mate for my PS3. It was cool, but i dont know, it just did'nt appeal to me. When i do play skating games, its usually Tony Hawks, as its a laugh what with all the mimi games and all that. So i dont know about this, maybe ill give it ago again when i get my 360.

As for TDU, i got this on my PC too, and while i do have to agree with the physics, i love its playability. Fully Tuned Ferrari F40 + HardCore Mode + G25 = Great fun!
To be honest, the only reason i will get this for the xbox will be for when i have a bunch of mates round. Its good just to stick it on, get some drink and chill in the sitting room while cruising round hawai :P.
#38 - DeKo
Quote from Ziil :I'll say I'm sorry upfront for you people who are getting the box.
Remember you can do a repair order online at ! no need to call to CS

As apposed to what, the wonderful PS3 which my mate has had to send back twice? Or the X360, which has worked flawlessly for a year with my other mate.
Quote from DeKo :As apposed to what, the wonderful PS3 which my mate has had to send back twice? Or the X360, which has worked flawlessly for a year with my other mate.

lol... i havent had a problem with ps3, and with xbox 1 time was screwed, and a cousin had to change it like 3 times cuz it stopped working...
#40 - Ziil
Quote from DeKo :As apposed to what, the wonderful PS3 which my mate has had to send back twice? Or the X360, which has worked flawlessly for a year with my other mate.

Maybe I'm just biased since I deal with dead or dieing 360s not quite daily but almost . I wouldn't trust my money on a console at all both of em have hardware issues the 360 ones are just more frequent.
Stick to a PC and will not have to worry about 3 red lights or the thing rendering your games worthless because of cute circular rings on them .
The PS3 is a bastard to code on so there are very little games for it and the Wii is just a cute toy to screw around with.
So in conclusion I'd say Yes there is a Huge market for consoles but a PC will not let you down as much as a console.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :*bump*

I thought i would give this a bump, as it saves me making a new thread.

Im buying a Xbox 360 elite for my birthday (which is tomorow! w00t! ) and im wondering if you guys can suggest any good games to get for it?

Im considering Forza 2, PGR4 and maybe TDU. Anyone can suggest anymore, mainly FPS and driving?

And dont mention GTA4, already pre-ordered

don't get the halo3's not really good.just get the elite adition.halo3's adition has a bad taste in clour(moldy green look alike)and instead of "120 HDD"it says "HALO3" which is wierd..ur choise,i was gonna get the halo 3 adtion but i just got the elite(go futureshop)cya
oh yes,also get call of duty 4,assassins creed and save up ur money for dynasty warriors 6 and GTA 4!!!GTA FTW
I found the Turok demo very disappointing.

Games I'm looking for on the 360 are:
Alone in the Dark 5
Dead Space
Lost Odyssey
Mafia 2 (can't wait)
and possibly SF4.

I read rumours yesterday that Killer Instinct 3 may be about to be announced. If so, that will go straight to the top of my "want" list
Agreed, on the strengh of the demo, I thought Turok was terrible, infact, I am finding most demos I download on XBL are all very poor games TBH.
#46 - JJ72
PGR4 is frankly a crock of shit. Tried it, fps isn't all that smooth, cockpit views ain't actually in driver's eye position and driving physics I guess is slightly better than the original mario kart.
Tried the Turok demo aswell... deleted it 5 minutes later from my HDD.

What i'm really looking forward to at the moment is Fable 2.
Call of Duty 4 is possibly the best game I've ever played... I've played the MP loads and gone through the single player campaign about 6 times

Xbox 360
(48 posts, started )