The online racing simulator
Supreme Commander
(22 posts, started )
Supreme Commander

my movie:

Watch it and u will see impossible is possible.

i can only play with schoolmates now at fridays and saturdays .. or if nobody knows ... i would also like to play agains some of u
#2 - joen
This is not a warez forum. So don't ask for cracks.
Or help on how to play with a cracked version either.
What's the name of the song?
Quote from Bawbag :What's the name of the song?

Thx for watching ... its from movie called 28 weeks later ... Title: Leaving England

Then lets ask it ontherway: Is there someone intrested in playing sUPCOM ?
Not until you go and purchase a legal copy.
#7 - Jakg
SupCom is t3h pwn.

I would love to crack it open right now, especially seeing as a GTX and a Quad Core = WIN, but i doubt it'll like my 1 GB of RAM.

Off Topic - Anyone give me an opinion on forged alliance...?
it will wrok just fine as long as settings stay on medium

Forged allaiance is much better than the old supcom, there are lots of new units, mass fabricators=shit mass extractors+4mass storages=uber lots of mass, experimentals are weaker .. so if u have experimental u dont just go and win ... also menus are better, and yeah .. they fixed experimental units A LOT, now they move almost as fast as regular T3 units and some are now light and some heavy experimentals ... and thing i like: everybody has tech 3 gunships so no more UEF superriority and i think aeons are best rase right now.. but i didnt play on that oFFICALL thing so i dunno how PRo's really play .. me and my friends (around 8 ppl) think that aeons are best and everybody than me think UEF sucks becouse it has crappy experimentals ... but u still got T3 TRANSPORT, T3 gunships, 2 Types of T3 assoult bots, Nukes, Novax satelite-sux ... if u get game we can do 1v1? or u come and me and my friends pwn u.

It even works on my UBER ainchent computer with 512RAM that u could say: are u 1st generation of ppl using it? or is it from times of ur grandpa?
This is one game I've been meaning to get a hold of for months now... Played the demo but I felt like I needed to have a pretty heavy PC to get the most out of it. It certainly looks awesome on a uber rig with everything cranked and 100s of units spraying laser damage everywhere
#10 - Jakg
What i mean is that i played it back on my single core AMD 3700 with 1 GB of RAM, but i want to play mass experimentals on an 81*81 KM map (which my CPU just about does). Even with 2 GB of RAM i ran out every now and again, now it will be murder, lol.

BTW - Experimentals don't always win, stuff like the Mavor always pwns, but the Collosus is only good if it can GET to the target - about 20 T3 bombers will make short work of it and cost less.
Erm, Jack...a Mavor doesn't ALWAYS pwn, as I've displayed to you on a couple of occasions. It has LOW HP for an experimental, and needs defending on every front since it's always going to be a target.
Quote from Jakg :SupCom is t3h pwn.

I would love to crack it open right now, especially seeing as a GTX and a Quad Core = WIN, but i doubt it'll like my 1 GB of RAM.

Off Topic - Anyone give me an opinion on forged alliance...?

haha you only had 2gb to start with then, i got 4gb with 2 slots left, 8 gb here we come when i can afford it lol
So you want to risk your entire PC and your sanity by going 64-bit?

Back onto topic, I wanna play Forged Alliance too, if only to have a go as the Seraphim. Some of their stuff looks awesome to say the least.
64 xp is better than 64 vista
[citation needed]
Quote from Jakg :BTW - Experimentals don't always win, stuff like the Mavor always pwns, but the Collosus is only good if it can GET to the target - about 20 T3 bombers will make short work of it and cost less.

Well, 10 T3 bobmbers are easys target in Supremo commander ... but then there are AEON T3 gunships which are callede AA (anti air ) gunships so ur bombers dont stand a chance without like 40 air supperiiority fighters ... and comparing to UEF swords and other t3 gunships they are extremly easy to build. If u build mavor, i build 10 colosus and 2 Flying fortreses and thenn .. what i do is send CZAR on ut base and it will fall on ur mavor and pwn 80% of ur base + mavor witch is with like less than 10k of life easier to kill than SAM louncher.

Important thin in forged allaince is BTW: SAM louncher has 10k of life, airplanes have also 10x more life than before, 1 SAM louncher wont save u from bombers anymore.

jakg are u for a game?
(blackcarmafia) DELETED by blackcarmafia : double post
#17 - Jakg
From battling with a few UKCT members, i can say that i LOVE the Collusus, but once it leaves the safety of my base it's fair game, i can protect it, but its cost me a LOT, and when it gets to the base it WILL destroy it, but it needs to get there first...

Currently loving the air of the UEF, although i haven't touched it in about a month.
Battling? You call getting wiped on the floor battling?

You've only beaten me once, and that was because of a strategic error. Otherwise I pwn you
I got this game for my Birthday in march..Tried installing it once..Was too laggy for even my dad's power PC...

Now it stays in its box, unable to be returned for a refund, collecting dust and also doubling as a paper weight.
Quote from GruntOfAction :I got this game for my Birthday in march..Tried installing it once..Was too laggy for even my dad's power PC...

Now it stays in its box, unable to be returned for a refund, collecting dust and also doubling as a paper weight.

Ha! Another inferior PC bites the dust. Time to upgrade my son.
Quote from Jakg :From battling with a few UKCT members, i can say that i LOVE the Collusus, but once it leaves the safety of my base it's fair game, i can protect it, but its cost me a LOT, and when it gets to the base it WILL destroy it, but it needs to get there first...

Currently loving the air of the UEF, although i haven't touched it in about a month.

Dude we could play it once .. send me Pm with ur x-fire or skype or msn username
#22 - Jakg

Just been having a few games, although i forgot to patch up my copy with Core Maximiser and the 3 GB enabler so it keeps crashing. Tried Forged Alliance, Serraphim seem a bit... meh. have SupCom + Forged Alliance for £17 delivered, which is a bargain imo. If only GAME had it at a decent price (ie not £35!) so i could buy myself a copy of the "Gold Edition" with this £10 voucher.

Even with a 3 GHz Quad and a GTX i still get ~30 FPS with 2xAA and a big map with it all on high, looks great though. Love the Dual Screen support, too.

*goes back to take on some Supreme Ai's in a team*

If anyone cares - i'm a hardcore Turtler and wish there was a 40 minute no-rush. We've tried this internally in UKCT, and the resulting battle lasted exactly 5 minutes, but features every side with 5-10 experimentals, and nukes aplenty (in one case a Nuke dropped on my collusus, and it's got so much health it walked through the Mushroom Cloud. Quite a site!).

Supreme Commander
(22 posts, started )