The online racing simulator
I don't know if this is really AI related, but I just disconnected from a server where we were running AI races with a "STORE OVERFLOW" error.

My AI made his mandatory pit stop and got pushed out of the pit lane by other AIs.

Replay attached. It's "Kamel 3" at the end of lap4.
Attached files
STORE OVERFLOW.mpr - 830.5 KB - 281 views
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Quote from Tommy :Ai behaves ok (pitting) when server has compulsory pitstop = on, but when it doesnt, they NEVER pit.

That is not the behavior that I've seen. I ran multiple races yesterday with AI drivers. During at least two races where compulsory pit was turned off, the AI drivers DID pit for fuel. The did not pit for damage or tires, and they did not pit during timed races (1+ hour), but they did stop during long races for fuel. The problem is that they all stop on the same lap and crash each other out in the pits.
AI doesn’t try to remove the flipped or stuck to the wall car from the track and if there is no other way (luck of reverse gear @ MRT) they will stay stuck in the middle of the track for the entire race.

They could shift+s if reset is not allowed.
Attached images
mrt AI.jpg
what does that mrt in the top of the pic there? Oo
Flying after a full speed crash with a flipped ,in the middle of the track, mrt

Yeah also AI does nothing to avoid obstacles like this but this can't be easily fixed.
At the oval the AI slows down too much on corner entry when they are not PRO. The lower the AI level the harder they slow down.

Sorry for my ****** english.
AI drivers with XRRs are getting drive-through penalties for speeding in the pits on Westhill (standard direction). FXR and FZR drivers seem to be able to pit fine, but the XRR drivers pit for fuel and get a penalty. When they enter the pits to serve the penalty they are speeding and get penalized again, ad infinitum.
FXR - Aston North - Turn 8 - 9

AI have huge troubles coping with that corner.

--- Edit ---
XRR also have a lot of toruble in the exact same spot, while the FZR goes trough just fine. All AI's where using the Race S setup.
Quote from Cue-Ball :That is not the behavior that I've seen. I ran multiple races yesterday with AI drivers. During at least two races where compulsory pit was turned off, the AI drivers DID pit for fuel. The did not pit for damage or tires, and they did not pit during timed races (1+ hour), but they did stop during long races for fuel. The problem is that they all stop on the same lap and crash each other out in the pits.

I didnt have time to test it on endurance race, but what i meant is: i start race with 4 laps so they have ~3laps of fuel, then set /laps 30

and watch them pit every 3 laps to test... well they dont do it when compulsary pitstop is off but when its on, they pit for fuel, tires AND damage - the way it should be.
Quote from Tommy :I didnt have time to test it on endurance race, but what i meant is: i start race with 4 laps so they have ~3laps of fuel, then set /laps 30

and watch them pit every 3 laps to test... well they dont do it when compulsary pitstop is off but when its on, they pit for fuel, tires AND damage - the way it should be.

That sounds like another problem where the AI does not realize that the number of laps for the race has changed. It seems as though they determine the number of laps when they first enter the game, but that they are not updated when you manually increase the number of laps.
Problem with pit chaos seems to be that the winner wants to turn into the first box instead of the last. The second car cant brake in time etc. etc.
1- AI does not take into account car in front when in pitlane, only in raceline.

2- During one of those huge pit-in messes at mid-race, this car "Monica" was still refuelling when the 2 cars behind her tried to get out of the pitlane, but crashed into her and pushed her out to the raceline for a while.
"Monica" was still applying brakes and intermitently apparently still refueling.
Here's a picture of it (yellow car just managed to leave monica aside):
Attached images
Ahum.... Christine anywhere? I remember she liked to mess stuff up also.
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Ahum.... Christine anywhere? I remember she liked to mess stuff up also.

None of my close friends is named Christine, so no AI for her :-)
Some testing i did

-AI won't pit in timed races
-AI is often going too fast entering pits
-AI pitting on same lap
-AI is racing with minimal pitstops (variable stints looks more realistic to me)
-AI is crashing on multiple pitstops
-No tyre change / damage repair using pitstops
-AI only pitting for fuel, keeps driving when heavy damage/leak tyres
It seem the AI Slam on the breaks when I pass.

Edit: also the ai seem to have to pit for short races. when making the replay I set it to 3 laps and all the AI pit in the first lap, so I set it to 6 laps, still it sayed "fuel 7% - (1 stint)". I assume that means for the AI to pit.

I appologise for the strange sentence structure(was in a hurry).

SPR here:
Attached files
Leg of Lamb_BL1_XRG X30 AI.spr - 1.1 MB - 306 views
I've done some more testing and am trying to figure out how the AI decide which pit stall to use. I had three FZRs running on Aston (Nat'l, i think). They pitted in around lap 40 or so. The first car into the pits pulled into one of earlier stalls (stall #8 or so). The second car drove past him and pulled into either the last or second to last stall. The third car drove in and, apparently, tried to park in the same stall as the previous car. He pushed the car in front completely 90* sideways in the pits, but luckily that car was able to get out okay. When the car that did the pushing (the third car of the three to enter the pits) tried to leave, he ended up driving across the grass and taking out the two cones at the end of the pits.
AI also has no idea how to look after their clutch. If it happens to heat up, they will continue to mash the accelerator until the clutch melts.
Quote from STenyaK :None of my close friends is named Christine, so no AI for her :-)

Be glad then .
(hectic) DELETED by hectic
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
They work fine to me. They seems to brake and avoid me if I crash or overtake them, so they are smarter. They pit and are working fine, execpt after finish when they pit, but that isn`t important.

Lol, had a blast today, equipted AI with WE oval set, then I equipted bump draft set. Rofl, it was awesome, 30.50 we got xD
Hi! At work now so testing the AI's on their own.
What I've found so far:
Racing line and overall performance improved a lot!
AIs can overtake (I witnessed a few daring (suicidal?) moves in the braking zones) but AIs do not seem to use slipstream at all (still braking in the straights...)
AIs respond to yellow flags pretty well / avoid collisions (except in pits...)
AIs completely ignore blue flags
AIs pitting is around 70% good (the rest burn their clutch or fool around) Do AI pits always in the same box? I can not find a pattern but apparently their position in the race has no influence on the box.
AI's repeat the same mistake lap after lap (example, XFG+XRG @ SO chicane clipping wall after downhill straight each lap of the race) - no auto update of "ideal" racing line?
AIs that take a spin are out of the race, they heat their clutch recovering and destroy it shortly after by ignoring the temp raise.
Overall impressive improvements! For short races without pitstops these new AIs can be serious competition.
Many thanks
Quote from Mille Sabords :AIs completely ignore blue flags

In fact they just ignore any other car behind or alongside to them.

That's one of the reasons why I would like to have a server option to disallow the use of AI's.

It's quite annoying to see people adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race, the result is often a mayhem.
#73 - orne
I'd like to add another trajectory problem not mentioned yet, in South City Chicane, the LX4s are hitting the wall on turn 3(? fast right turn after the back straight) causing them damage which in turn causes them to pit for damage every few laps.

Other than that, it's pretty impressive watching 50km races where there's no incidents, that was almost impossible to see with the previous AI.
Anyone else find that at least half the cars (UF1, XFG and FZ5 most notably), and most of the road cars in general, are unable to negotiate the chicane when you run them on SO Chicane Route? They do a bit better on Classic and only gently hit the far barrier- the path (4) is different on Chicane Route, though. Much much closer to the right hand barrier, they hit it and get knocked across to the left and then crash into the far barrier hard. They don't learn.
I think it's been mentioned once, but the AI don't qualify properly. I set 20 FBMs at BL1 for 15 minutes of Qualifying and they all drove for 5 laps (around 6 minutes) and they all went to their pit garages (they didn't have a pit stop), and sat there for the remainder of the qualifying. What they should do is do a pit stop, then continue until qualifying is over.

(254 posts, started )