The online racing simulator
Possibility of a Nurbugring type track?
Ok so this is the track that made some 'simulation' games more exiting, Nordschleife Nurburgring, 13 miles of sheer unbeleivable track. But like GT4 was neer the best game, even though I personaly thought it was great fun, it's nothing compared to this.

So is their a possibilty of a track of the same structure and challenging corners as Nurbugring is LFS?

Also, is it possible for someone to publicise a "unnoficial Addon" which is a the Nurburgring track? I would just love to have a go of the track with this game as it would be great to have some races on their wouldn't you say?

I'm sorry if i'm zooming way ahead of the Devs and asking for to much, but it would simply be brilliant to have such a track in LFS.


Many people think like you, and it has been discussed a lot I would love to have it.
Problem: Liscense
Solution: $$$
Provider of solution: ???
Android, I may not have put it accross clear enough, I said a track "like" Nuburgring, you kow, extremely long, challenging bends and long bumpy straights, I know that it would cost alot to get the official track in the game.

But un-officcial addons don't need a liscence or anything, thats why I included that idea.

Sorry for my unclearness.
Oh, ok.

Well, ofcourse it is possible to create such a track. Just give Eric a robe and wizard hat and he may spawn such a lovely track from pure kindness.

No seriously, who knows what Eric is up to at the moment? Maybe he's already creating such a track, maybe not. And even if he is working on such a thing, that's LOADS of work and would probably not be released before S3. You may aswell wait for the user mod tools to be released (if ever) and hope the community provides such a track.
Just fantasys to find out peoples comments and similar ideas, sorry to post up something which has allready been discussed though.

but it's always good to find out what other people think about these hings and if it's just me who likes the idea, i'll shut up for next time!!!
#7 - ajp71
There are only 2 proper sims worth knowing about featuring the 'ring, they are GPL and Nascar 2003.
Quote from ajp71 :There are only 2 proper sims worth knowing about featuring the 'ring, they are GPL and Nascar 2003.

Nascar 2003's version is just a tweaked version of the old GPL track... AFAIK. Am I wrong?

I'm so pissed off that every crappy console racing game gets (GT4, Forza and now PGR3) Nordschleife but we don't. Money talks... :mad:

GPL's Nurburgring is the bomb imho, followed closely by nK's version (which may well be a GPL import).. It'd be great to see it in LFS but I realise it probably isn't, um .. probable
Another good sim is racer, I had it about a year ago and it's very realistic and alot of people make tracks and cars, very good game, similar to LFS, download, unzip, play, lol!

No "real" online mode but some people can get it to work, never tried to hard but it basicly told me to get lost when I tried. Not half as good as LFS though

Only game i've tried Nurburgring in is GT4, mastered the track because of a competition, sadly I only lost once in the rounds i competed in, lost te last one because the runner of the game thoguth we were "aloud" to change gearings, hence taking 2 seconds on the striaght to finish less than a tenth infront....fix, he ran it and displayed the results but if u wanan chat then do it, but if you don't, come to LFS!

Worlds worst for going off topic but hey, that's life.
Currently all the best (or most used) track are fast with hardly any slow turns, like aston tracks, westhills or the kyotos. Fern bay tracks aren't driven that much because there is no place for error, very few places to pass and LFS isn't suited at the moment for twisty tracks imho. Specially any faster rwd cars.

Those lift-throttle-oversteers and generally the "hard-to-handle" grip at slow speed makes those tracks very hard and frustrating for most racers. Also the bumps the 'ring has might be very tough for LFS.

And the only way the 22km fantasy track in LFS could again any popularity - It needs to be the ring. Because the track is damn hard and takes much longer to learn than any normal track. The only thing keeping the players driving it is that they know it's the 'ring. I guess the ring wasn't even that popular in GPL. Any under 8:15:00 drivers here? My best ist 8:28 or something,

And imagine the work needed for a perfect ring track in LFS
Quote from ajp71 :There are only 2 proper sims worth knowing about featuring the 'ring, they are GPL and Nascar 2003.

any place i can sign underneath? sub8 in cup cars is da bomb
Quote from Hyperactive :Currently all the best (or most used) track are fast with hardly any slow turns, like aston tracks, westhills or the kyotos. Fern bay tracks aren't driven that much because there is no place for error, very few places to pass and LFS isn't suited at the moment for twisty tracks imho. Specially any faster rwd cars.

Those lift-throttle-oversteers and generally the "hard-to-handle" grip at slow speed makes those tracks very hard and frustrating for most racers. Also the bumps the 'ring has might be very tough for LFS.

And the only way the 22km fantasy track in LFS could again any popularity - It needs to be the ring. Because the track is damn hard and takes much longer to learn than any normal track. The only thing keeping the players driving it is that they know it's the 'ring. I guess the ring wasn't even that popular in GPL. Any under 8:15:00 drivers here? My best ist 8:28 or something,

And imagine the work needed for a perfect ring track in LFS

Sub-8 here. Just love driving around the Ring, very exciting. Isle of Man is also a very long and fast if you've ever heard of the place.
If we had the 'ring, I can already imagine the insane races going on there

The ultimate endurace challange: 1 lap with the UF1000
Experience on a public server: Avg racers started: 18, Avg racers finished: 0.5
Qualifying: Avg time until every racer gets a time in: 3 days
Quote from Tillverkad :Sub-8 here. Just love driving around the Ring, very exciting. Isle of Man is also a very long and fast if you've ever heard of the place.

I have the isle of man installed with my GPL and NR2003 too. Nice track, too bad I switched to LFS at the time I started to learn them. Mmmh, Schottenring and Pescara - long tracks too

EDIT: Forgot Dunrod, "only" 11km long. Fast and narrow There are many good long tracks for GPL, though Schottenring needs some work. The version I have has only the track layout, no buildings and such...
That video is somehow messed up, freezes after couple turns
Quote from Blackout :That video is somehow messed up, freezes after couple turns

The video work just fine here.
Quote from Hyperactive :And the only way the 22km fantasy track in LFS could again any popularity - It needs to be the ring ... The only thing keeping the players driving it is that they know it's the 'ring.

That's true, I'm sure Eric can do a great long track, but the ring has it's own legend...

Quote from Hyperactive :And imagine the work needed for a perfect ring track in LFS

The Nurburgring GmbH has GPS models of the track that sells to car or game companies. I think they include the track and the curbs, so the real challenge is filling the track with the rich scenery that surrounds it, and the paints of the track too!!
This is quite possibly the best suggestion I have ever read. I've driven the 'ring before IRL, and it was a blast. I'd love to be able to drive it in my favorite race-sim! If it's a problem of licensing, I'd gladly donate!
Great Idea
I love the idea of a track like Nordschleife. You can say what you want about GT4. But it is fun driving it there.
If there's a possibility of making a track like it, I would spend all my time trying to master it...

yeah with a DFP no aids, etc... GT4 is a hoot to drive on that track. I have to admit..

Too bad it will never see the light of day in LFS, or any other real track.. pity.
Quote from BWX232 :Too bad it will never see the light of day in LFS, or any other real track.. pity.

I wouldn't rule it out entirely. We have 2 real cars, don't we? Granted, they were included for special reasons. Perhaps there's a track out there that needs some advertising?
Quote from Forbin :I wouldn't rule it out entirely. We have 2 real cars, don't we? Granted, they were included for special reasons. Perhaps there's a track out there that needs some advertising?

Nurbugring comes to mind...