Is the unofficial addons subforum not good enough?
Maybe it's a language thing aroX123, but the subforum was tidied up recently by separating out the requests so that programmers could find stuff of use. Adding another thread without any relevance is only likely to screw up the results again.
Anything in the programmers corner is usually only a snippet, or not unfinished and therefore not ready for general public use...
I apologise to anyone who feels differently, and to aroX123 if this post causes offence. I also feel compelled to make clear that this is only my opinion. The final word is in the realm of the developers and the moderators, naturally.
i stongly agree with this. When going through the stress's of programming id rather not have to browse thorough junk to find a tip someone posted or something.
Agreed. We have the unofficial add-ons forum for releases, or in the case of insim apps, hosters can just run the software on their servers. No need to get the forum involved at all.
aroX123 - you've had an infraction for spamming before, don't let us award you another for all the pointless threads you've been making of late.