16:9 aspect ratio?
(46 posts, started )
#1 - steve
16:9 aspect ratio?
Hello, I like running my games in true widescreen (16:9) Im just wondering if LFS will have the option for a 16:9 aspect ratio in the near future? As of right now I can select a widescreen resolution, but its not true widescreen. If you look at the example pics you can see what I mean, in the LFS screens everything is identical except for the top and bottom of the screen being clipped off, look at the CS:S pic in true widescreen and your able to see at a wider angle and see more stuff. Thanks
Attached images
#2 - Ant
You need to goto the screen settings page and click the box marked "non square modes". You will then get a few more wide aspect settings.

I know it works, I run at 1680 * 1050
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Yes, but you'll need a widescreen monitor as well. Atm what resolution you pick it will fit the shape of the monitor regardless. The widescreen "effect" just adds black bars. Although, you can simulate this by increasing the FOV when you add the black bars, such that vertical FOV stays the same (instead of decreasing) and horizontal FOV increases.
lfs has for years the best support of screenmodes of ANY game.
u have 1) true 16:9 (or whatever relation ratio your card supports like trihead matrox) or u also have 2) 4:3 option "widescreen effect" to have cinemascope type of black bars. that only adds the bars to cut the strangled fov effect verticaly. so u can abuse fov a bit more on "widescreen" effect.
you still have a 3) option, if u have a big and good 4:3 monitor which is to force a 16:9 res like 1280x720 or 1600x900 and have your monitor vertically stretch down to compensate the aspect ratio and memorize that refresh/res combo.
this allows to turn a big 4:3 into a small/medium 16:9 monitor. this has the advantage of allowing higher refresh rates, coz your card has less lines (vertically) to draw. therefore even aa gets a small boost etc.

i run mine for a couple of years at 1600x900 or 1280x720. both in native 16:9 lcd (at 60hz) or at my main 4:3 monitor at (100hz).
#5 - Termi
Hi all,
i can copy that, lfs have the best support of screenmodes.
Bf2 the res. is finnish at 1600x1200
I use a Benq FP 231 W with a res. of 1920x1200 and lfs support this
a ltl pic

#6 - steve
Perhaps I didnt explain myself good enough, im not using the widescreen effect (with the black bars) in LFS, im selecting a widescreen resolution, but its not running in the 16:9 aspect, it just cuts off the top and bottom of the screen, if it was actually running in true widescreen, wouldnt I see a wider screen image? Look at the example pics to see what I mean, the image in LFS is the same in a scaure res and widescreen, just it has cut uff the top and bottom of the image.

How can I force 16:9 in LFS?
It must be that the FOV is connected to the horizontal width of the screen. So making the screen wider adjusts the FOV so that you lose height instead of gaining width. Just put your FOV up, problem solved.
#8 - steve
Its already at 100, any higher and everything is all stretcehd out and ghey loooking
Yeah, but if you use 100 in widescreen mode, and 90 in 4:3 mode.... your picture get's wider in widescreen mode, hooray!
#10 - Ant
Bobs right you know. Attached are some screenies, the narrow and wide show the same fov but narrow is 3:4 and wide is 16:9 . The pylon out the right side window is both times on the edge of the screen. Clearly LFS handles the wide screen by stretching the image without adjsuting the fov.

If I bump up the fov from 90 to 100, you get the 100fov attachment, its at 16:9 but show extra info at the sides, the pylon isnt at the edge anymore. The narrow pic fits nicly (more or less) ontop and I think this i the desired result .
Attached images
Those screenies show it up nicely.
the answer to this thread was already posted.
if u want 16:9 ratio u click show nonsquare resolutions. good luck and i hope u understand what u are doing.
if u need any more specific answer please be specific with your question else this leads nowhere.
I do understand what im doing, what I was trying to get across is that the res is not true widescreen, just a clipped screen. If it was true widescreen, I should have a wider field of view, with more FOV I just get a stretced out longer view.
#14 - J.B.
You are complaining that the FOV is too small and that you don't want more FOV at the same time. Think about it.
Im not complaining at all. Especially about small FOV?
bleh just forget I even made this thread
Don't worry steve I hear ya, LFS doesn't really do widescreen properly. Maybe it is all locked into the fov but the point is it probably shouldn't be. Changing the FOV as in the pics posted by Ant changes your relation to the cockpit of the car, if widescreen worked as it should (well as I figure it should )this would remain static but you would have extra vision on either side of the screen.
Also if at all possible the actual widescreen 'mode' should have a second option to output an anamorphic ratio.
#18 - J.B.
Steve and tailing you are both wrong, LFS is right.

Look at this GIF:

This is what you want, right? Now guess how I made it.

One frame was taken at 1024x768 (4:3) with a FOV of 70°. The other frame was taken at 1360x768 (16:9) and a FOV of 86°. They don't match perfect because the correct calculated value for the 16:9 FOV would be 86.0671° which you can't enter in LFS.

So here is what you have to do: if you want to switch from 4:3 to 16:9, change the resolution and change your FOV to:

FOV_WIDE = 2·ATAN ((16/9)/(4/3)·TAN(FOV_NARROW/2))
Funny how some things stay the same shape but others distort.

J.B., how come it picks you up as a demo racer? :S
Ah, now this explains a strange problem I had before with dual screens! It all makes sense!!!!111oneoneone
#21 - J.B.
Quote from Bob Smith :Funny how some things stay the same shape but others distort.

J.B., how come it picks you up as a demo racer? :S

Which shapes do you mean exactly?

I registered a new account for the forums so I could keep my RSC nick. My LFS registered name is SF-Joe but my racer name is also J.B.
Since we already have the FOV task here and I couldn't find anything about this topic elsewhere:

Does anybody know if there are plans to make LFS support dual head setups for NVidia and ATI cards?

Or: does anybody know about how to get LFS to work with a dual head setup?
You just have to make sure that the utility that comes with the driver (i.e. nview) stretches it across both monitors, iirc.
You just have to make sure that the utility that comes with the driver (i.e. nview) stretches it across both monitors, iirc.

That would be the "horizontal span" that NVidia drivers provide, right?

Now if I activated this with my potential NVidia card (unfortunately I run on ATI atm) wouldn't that interfere with the resolutions I choose in LFS, leading to a horizontally overstretched image (since there are no 8:3 or even 32:9 resolutions in LFS)?

In other words: Wouldn't it be that LFS must provide at least a 8:3 viewport to get an undistorted view across 2 4:3 displays?
Yup, horizontal span it is

Unfortunately its not perfect, as you say - I've not had the chance to actually do it with 2 monitors of the same size (or type), so I cant tell how good the effects really are

16:9 aspect ratio?
(46 posts, started )