Let me make a proper sentence out of the nonsense you wrote above. Here's what you meant to say: "Please update LFS.net to include the FBM as one of the S1 cars available in LFS. Thank you." Although, I think the S1 cars shouldn't include the Demo cars, I think there should be a separate section for them. I guess the tracks page should also be updated as well with the new SO track.
srry for the gibbersh up above i can type fine i just choose not 2 because i type really fast lol:iagree:
I type pretty damn quickly too, and yet I can fill sentences with punctuation, a decent attempt at spelling, and some sense. Fast typing isn't an excuse - just slow down if you're not capable of it.
Quote from ajp71 :Patch Y hasn't been released yet so there's no stable version of LFS with said car in it yet. what he said