I just got through this year's safety training we have to do constantly at work on PPE (personal protective equipement), ie, ear plugs, glasses, hardhats, steeltoe shoes, cut-resistant gloves, etc. Now, I am extremely dilligent in wearing my safety equipement any time I do something not just at work, earplugs and my steeltoes on the mower, safety glasses and plugs when weedwackin, glasses any time I'm under the car or truck, and of course glasses and plugs anytime I use the woodworking tools at home. Sure enough, the only thing I lag in is using a cut-resistant glove when trimming our parts at work. The production guys trim all day long and where them all day long. I usually work on the expansion of the raw material, but here I am 2 days after my safety training and my thumb is now THROBBING because I didn't put on a safety glove to cut one part. Blood everywhere, my boss nearly passed out (he eats raw fish, but can't handle a little cut, LOL), and if I go to get it stitched up, I of course have to go through the hassle of drug testing (not that it matters now at my age, perhaps back in the college days
). No stitches, I've had worse, I'll be alright, but it just sucks as it hurts like hell now.