My computer:
Procesor: Intel Pentium 4 506, 2676 MHz (20 x 134)
Ram: 1280MB DDR400 (1024 + 256)
Motherboard: ASUS P5GPL-X
HDD: Samsung HD120IJ 120 GB
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 6200 TC 256mb (at moment)
PSU: 350 W
I would like to buy XFX 7600GT. I know my PC will run it fairly nicely. In LFS, will that card be enough to run LFS with AA ? Just want to know: what do you think about XFX 7600GT ?
And also, 8600GT or 7600GT ?
Thank you.
Procesor: Intel Pentium 4 506, 2676 MHz (20 x 134)
Ram: 1280MB DDR400 (1024 + 256)
Motherboard: ASUS P5GPL-X
HDD: Samsung HD120IJ 120 GB
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 6200 TC 256mb (at moment)
PSU: 350 W
I would like to buy XFX 7600GT. I know my PC will run it fairly nicely. In LFS, will that card be enough to run LFS with AA ? Just want to know: what do you think about XFX 7600GT ?
And also, 8600GT or 7600GT ?
Thank you.