The online racing simulator
Update : LFS_Restart.exe [ auto update restarter program ]
Hello Racers.

If all goes well, Patch Y will be released later this week. The release will be available on the automatic updater system (although we'll provide a manual patch install as well).

For the automatic updater to work, there must be a tiny program in your LFS folder called "LFS_restart.exe". Some people have deleted this file as they did not know what it was. So ORION has made a nice looking icon for it. I've attached an updated version of LFS_restart.exe to this post. It's in a zip file - just save the exe in the zip file to your LFS folder.

What this program does : It extracts the patch files that LFS has downloaded in the correct order, then asks you if you want to restart LFS. There is another small update in the LFS restart program, so you may want to get this even if you have not deleted your existing one.

After the restart program has installed updates, it asks if you want to restart LFS. The small change in this new one is that it does not delete the patch file(s) until you answer that question (Yes or No). This is helpful for some users who have multiple installs and they may wish to use the patch file(s) on another of their LFS installations. So, if you want to use the auto updater and keep the patch files, simply move them somewhere else before you answer the "Restart?" question.
Attached files - 31.8 KB - 934 views
Woot. First to post, first to download. I am awesome... my own mind.
#3 - ebola
That'll stop the blighters deleting it
/me downloads...yay!

Can the file be made read-only so people can't delete it?

the only gripe i have with this is that orion must have forgotten to antialias the icon

otherwise nice idea inouva
I'm doing auto d/l for each new test patch, and I've converted my file names and locations.

When the 'official patch' comes out, will the installation be the same over a 'test patch' version of the game as it would for installation over the game with pre test patch files ?

Will I have to move files and rename them again ?
Good idea, but the icon looks very aliased, and it's different when selected and when not. Screenies attached
Attached images
Yep thats a weird bug, but I already sent sc a mail with a screenie, alongside with a screen of the original ico file.
I guess something went wrong when compiling the ico into the exe.
Looks as thow the original LFS.exe image picture, has been "Magic wand tool"ed And it's left the dark black background on it. But other than that, thanks Scawen, keep up the good work.
So this file cannot be updated by LFS itself (using autoupdate)?
Quote from Hyperactive :So this file cannot be updated by LFS itself (using autoupdate)?

Presumably it can and will be, but Scawen has said some people have deleted it, so the autoupdate will fail for them.
I don't know how I managed to damage Orion's icon.

But anyway just by resaving it and recompiling, it is antialiased again.

So I've now attached that to the first post.
Yay, finally LFS_restart 0.2C! Any release estimates for version D???

PS: Please add icon modding, kthxbye!
Must... resist... the... urge... to... ask... for... drift... mods... and... skidmarks...
OMG this lfs_restart version ttly sux!
u ruind my luv 4 lfs!
Quote from Scawen :I don't know how I managed to damage Orion's icon.

But anyway just by resaving it and recompiling, it is antialiased again.

So I've now attached that to the first post.

no worries, its working now
#20 - VoiD
Skidmarks on an antialiased icon...?

plzzz make ico look like nos buton wit neon bodykit. icon also heat to quick wit clutch!!!! :bannana_g
...CMX viewer too
Quote from xaotik :OMG this lfs_restart version ttly sux!
u ruind my luv 4 lfs!

u n00b

I think the grip of the restart is now perfect, it's very realistic
I wish Scawen would stop wasting time working on that stupid racing game and get back to the nightly LFS_Restart releases.