First heard the name LFS back in 2003 on a GPL forum. But partly because i was still on dial-up with a 28K modem at the time, and because the general consensus was it wasn't as good as GPL i never bother to download the demo.
Then in 2005 i was looking through BHmotorsports site and read a review of S2 which i think had just been released, the screenies and vids looked great, and because i was then on broadband i downloaded it and kinda fell in love.
At first i was playing about 50% LFS 50% GPL, but over the 1st year that went to about 90-10 in favour of LFS. And now i don't even have GPL on my hard drive

although sometimes i get the urge to re-install it and have a go at the extreme hardcore level. But it would take forever to find/download and install all the various mods to get it back to it's former glory, but i can't be bothered to do that so...
So now the only things on my HD's are LFS, FSX and ArmA. Gotta keep it real yunno, it's the only way to live