The online racing simulator
New XRT Lights and interior
(33 posts, started )
New XRT Lights and interior
They are litle strange but i like it

DOWNLOAD LINKS {you need to download the 2 files and paste him into this directory => \data\dds}

[credits to the creators of the interior]
Attached files - 128.1 KB - 1823 views - 170.8 KB - 1714 views
You failed to create working attachments and completely forgot to credit the people that actually made most of the graphics.
hi 4ovek kak si Radvam se 4e ima pone o6te 1 balgarin .Kade igrae6 v koi serveri .S koi patch si Ot koi grad si
oo zdrasti mi ot pleven sam s pa4 x igraq v drift sarvarite na sillyproject pisha se DRAGER ako iskash ako mojesh da driftuvash ela da igraem
xax i az sam ot Pleven i az sam patch x mi 6te vlezna v silly project drift
taq ve4er sled 12 ili nqkade tam ako ima mesta da si tam
taek 4ve ced do feik da veetoel deis drolo
Hey dude can you share this steering wheel??
Quote from BOSCHO :They are litle strange but i like it

DOWNLOAD LINKS {you need to download the 2 files and paste him into this directory => \data\dds}

[credits to the creators of the interior]

Is that you on the screenshots?
Quote from vincper :Is that you on the screenshots?

Yes, that's him on Blackwood, without any crack. Why do you guys always shit on Demo Racers.

Only me is authorised to muhahahah!!!!
wow where can i get those G ball and angle thing? lol pls! PM me
Did I ask if hes cracked the game? No. Was I about to? You'll never know.
Quote from vincper :Did I ask if hes cracked the game? No. Was I about to? You'll never know.

I know you we're to ask about, but when you figured out he was using a XRR skin on the XRT, you felt like a fool...
Ok ok I give up, you win.
Is this suposed to look like a ufo? Sorry but it looks like crap
sorry nemojah v 12 .4udq se dali da izteglq noviq patch Y dali si zaslojava.Ako go izteglq nqma da ima XRT a samo FBM ,nqma da moje da driftvam Tiq stopove ti li gi pravi radvat
az gi pravih ami az imam i dvete versii i s noviq i s x pa4a formulkata si e dosta dobra
Quote from BOSCHO :az gi pravih ami az imam i dvete versii i s noviq i s x pa4a formulkata si e dosta dobra

da ma nemoje da drifti predpo4itam si karam XRT ako moje6 narapavi gi kato na nqkoi nissan 240sx otpred angel eyes otzad takiva xromirani stopove
dame inge si karam qwg opi kuja da!

Е не сте само вие двамата българи тук бе!
Btw i was wondering for so long where are the head lights graphics. Thanks.
Oh, and guys, don't try to understand it's Bulgarian, it's close to Russian and Serbian but don't bother.
From my point of view, I shouldn't even be having the doubt of trying to read it. Speak english, this is the english part of the forum, there are other forums to go to if you want to speak your native tongue.
Quote from MonStarr :Е не сте само вие двамата българи тук бе!
Btw i was wondering for so long where are the head lights graphics. Thanks.
Oh, and guys, don't try to understand it's Bulgarian, it's close to Russian and Serbian but don't bother.

Пич откаде си Кои град имаш Лиценз ??!!? браво откаде го взе няма ли начин да го спечеля не ми се дават 50 евро

New XRT Lights and interior
(33 posts, started )