The online racing simulator
#1 - -wes-
does MsgToConn only work from a server?
Bit odd this.

When I use this packet lfs spits out this error message: "could not find connention x's client info"

scawen's example code gives the same error so its not my code, I was think that it might only work with an admins pass or when the insim app is server side.

However it does work if you set the connection number to 0, uniqueid does not work either. It just brings up the same error.

I had a poke around the forums didnt find anything.

struct MsgToConn // 64 chars - send to LFS and on to a chosen connection (0 = host)
char Id [4]; // MTC + zero
unsigned char Conn; // connection
unsigned char UniqueId; // destination player UniqueId : if set, Conn is ignored
unsigned char Sp2;
unsigned char Sp3;
char Msg [64]; // text message or /command, must end with zero

MsgToConn* temp2=new MsgToConn();

memset(temp2, 0, sizeof( MsgToConn));

char* tmp2 ="MTC";
//to send

strcpy(temp2->Msg," test ");

cout<<(int)temp2->UniqueId<<" "<<(int)temp2->Conn<<" "<<out<<endl<<flush;
lfscomm::sendack( reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp2) ,sizeof(MsgToConn) );

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