The online racing simulator
Rfactor Drift Revolution
(26 posts, started )
#26 - JTbo
Quote from ajp71 :What else is there, even looking through the tbc guide on RSC I'm still at a loss to what else there is that's important. I've been using the Corvette tbc file with Neil's F3k curve and a grip co-efficient of 1.8 IIRC with correct widths and radius for my little project car. Is there much else I need to look at in the tires to get vaguely realistic slicks (assuming I'm not bothered about heat and wear atm)?

SpringBase=61000.0 // Base spring rate with no pressure
SpringkPa=1030.0 // Spring rate per unit pressure
Damper=965.0 // Damping rate of tire
LoadSensLat=( -3.86e-6, 0.352, 23000.0) // Load sensitivity for lateral grip (initial slope, final grip multiplier, final load)
LoadSensLong=(-3.85e-6, 0.357, 23000.0) // Load sensitivity for longitudinal grip (initial slope, final grip multiplier, final load)
LatPeak=( 0.1500, 0.2660, 10500.0) // Slip range where lateral peak force occurs depending on load
LongPeak=(0.1400, 0.2100, 10500.0) // Slip range where longitudinal peak force occurs depending on load
PneumaticTrail=5.00e-6 // Pneumatic trail per unit load (m/N), adjusted based on slip

From Lexus, those are primaries, also coefficient is important as it is general level of grip, curve is not meaningless, but specially lat/longPeak and such are _Very_ important. How to get them to work then, well that I have tried for 4 months or more, I still have no idea, getting tires to work in one situation makes then fail in other situation, one tires that work on some car are not doing anything right on some other, I'm starting to be pretty close at loosing whole interest to it as there seem not to be simple logic in it.

Hmm, there seem to be also this in Lexus file:
Rim=(0.2413, 750000.0, 7500.0, 3.0) // Rim Radius, spring rate, damper rate, minimum velocity to create sparks

I have not seen that before, I don't know what it really does, before tires were big rubber discs, but maybe that changes that?

Rfactor Drift Revolution
(26 posts, started )