Is this a good one?
(32 posts, started )
Is this a good one?
#2 - ajp71
No it's fairly crap would see you through LFS but not modern games.

You need to first identify whether you have a PCI-E or AGP slot. Then look at this list as a guide for what the best card is for your budget.
#4 - Jakg
They're all shit.

What's your budget? What slot do you have?
I really wonder why that Radeon has 1gb of memory...
#6 - dadge
too fool numpties into thinking it's a better card because it has more ram. ebuyer have a pci-e 7600GS (512mb) for £30 and i would much rather have that.
#7 - Jakg
Quote from Jertje :I really wonder why that Radeon has 1gb of memory...

Because more memory = better, duh

Just like the 8500GT that has 1 GB of memory, it's gotta be better than even the 8800GTX cause that's only got 768 MB (and yes i HAVE seen people say that before!)
I have a AGP 8x slot and my budget is £20-£30
If you can get an extra £20-30 together, get a Nvidia 7600GS. There good little cards, they come in AGP and they come in either 256mb or 512mb. I would suggest going for 256mb though as i have heard it is better for gaming, and having played rFactor and LFS with one at a buddys, i agree.
#11 - Jakg
£20-£30 won't get you anything decent.

I found this - ... ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

The one that REALLY got my interest is this - ... ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

6800GT, set to "local pickup only", and so no-ones bidding, and it's at £20. In the listing he says "Message me for postage costs outside of UK" implying he will post it inside the UK.

If either of those fall through then get this - ... ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I'd take the 6800GT, though.
Quote from shaun463 :I have a AGP 8x slot and my budget is £20-£30

So you were hoping to ram that first PCI-E card into it how?

Seriously you need to tell us what current graphics card you've got, the specs of the rest of your computer and what you want to do with it.

I think for £30 there's not going to be much to do unless you've got a really slow card atm because you always pay a premium on the faster cards.
#14 - Jakg
Quote from shaun463 :System Information

Quote :CPU Intel® Celeron® D356 Processor (3.33GHz)
Motherboard Foxconn P4M800P7MB
Memory 512 MB DDR RAM - PC2700
Hard Drive 160GB UDMA 7200rpm
CD / DVD Drive Dual layer DVD±RW
Video / Graphics Card VIA/S3 UniChrome Pro IGP 64MB Shared
Sound Card Realtek AC'97 audio
Network Card Realtek 8139 / 810X (Onboard)
Ports EiSystem E214 case and port information
Mouse Standard PS/2 mouse
Keyboard Standard PS/2 Keyboard

Oh wow, 512 MB of memory and a 3.33 GHz Celeron.

I wouldn't invest any cash in that system. AGP is dead. DDR1 is dead. Celerons are dead. 512 MB of RAM is crap. Etc.
i wouldn't say DDR1 is dead quite yet Jakg. it's still useful stuff in bulk(i have 2gb of the stuff) i can run alot of new games quite well. i also have an old nv6600GT (agp) sitting around here somewhere and it would be better than most low end pci-e nv7 series.
#16 - Jakg
DDR1 isn't dead as in speed, it's dead as in price.

I can pick up 2 GB of DDR2 for £20. Whats the cheapest DDR1 you can get?
ive just bought a gig more ram for £15
Quote from Jakg :DDR1 isn't dead as in speed, it's dead as in price.

I can pick up 2 GB of DDR2 for £20. Whats the cheapest DDR1 you can get?

i doubt that would be ddr6400 at that price lol this is the heapest pc3200 i can fine (with a 5 min look at dabs) ... 150,4294960195,4294959239 this is ddr2 ... 063,4294955840,4294959239 but the CL is twice as much so even tho the speed is 800mhz it does reads/writes every 4 cycles but the DDR1 ram is CL 2.5 running at half the speed. so it reads/writes every 2.5 cycles.
#19 - Jakg
Quote :
CPU Intel® Celeron® D356 Processor (3.33GHz)
Motherboard Foxconn P4M800P7MB
Memory 512 MB DDR RAM - PC2700
Hard Drive 160GB UDMA 7200rpm
CD / DVD Drive Dual layer DVD±RW
Video / Graphics Card VIA/S3 UniChrome Pro IGP 64MB Shared
Sound Card Realtek AC'97 audio
Network Card Realtek 8139 / 810X (Onboard)
Ports EiSystem E214 case and port information
Mouse Standard PS/2 mouse
Keyboard Standard PS/2 Keyboard

Ha ha my system owns yours (I think)

CPU Intel® Core 2 Duo Processor T7300 (2.00GHz)
Memory 2 GB/Go DDR2 SDRAM
Hard Drive 200 GB/Go
Blu-ray Disc drive
Video / Graphics Card nVidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU

Is this a good GFX card?
it might be slower Jakg but the CL is half that of DDR2 which actually brings to performance of DDR1 a bit closer than you think. ddr1 (pc3200 333mhz i think) with a cl of 2.5 or lower Vs DDR2 (pc6400 800mhz) with cl of 4 isn't much different.
#22 - Jakg
Quote from dadge :it might be slower Jakg but the CL is half that of DDR2 which actually brings to performance of DDR1 a bit closer than you think. ddr1 (pc3200 333mhz i think) with a cl of 2.5 or lower Vs DDR2 (pc6400 800mhz) with cl of 4 isn't much different.

No. Just no. I haven't tried, but i know that McintryeJ runs his DDR800 at 700 MHz, but at CAS#3.

DDR2 prefers higher speeds versus ultra low timings, though.

@ JO53PHS - My system owns yours, i'm not bragging :P

The 8800GTX is good card, but the new 8800GTS is almost as fast as can be had for £200. The 8800GT can be had for £175 and is even better value.
ddr1 on my system runs just as good (slightly behind) as a ddr2 system of a few of my team mates. i have a 939 AMD 4800(DC) and 2gb of corsair xms running in duel channel mode. with a nv7600GT. i just don't think ddr1 is finished yet. combined with the right hardware, it can still do the job quite well. i think if i were to upgrade, i would skip ddr2 and go straight to ddr3.
Shaun you could get any AGP graphics card for that system and see big imporvements in older games. Don't upgrade anything else or spend too much though because it will only prolong the life of a dieing computer for a bit.
You're not gonna believe how new it is, just 1 yr old! But the tech is ancient for example to load up even my 13 yr old 200mhz pc is quicker (its ridiculous)

Is this a good one?
(32 posts, started )