The online racing simulator
need oval setup for FZ50 gtr
(19 posts, started )
need oval setup for FZ50 gtr
ok so i really suck at trying to figure out this stuff.... In every oval game that i go into i just get passed... my car wont get past 160km or around theri anyways... if i spectate i can see guys running in the 180's... needless to say i need a setup please and thank you....

any help is appreciated....
i hope this helps ive run late 38s with this setup
Attached files
FZR_oval.set - 132 B - 1585 views
thank you so much, really appreciate it
Thanks again for the setup, the late 38's is what im running with it, some of those guys are running high 37's though, so im lossing a second every lap, and trying to get a setup from them is like pulling teeth... anyone got anything else?
Quote from beefy696969 :Thanks again for the setup, the late 38's is what im running with it, some of those guys are running high 37's though, so im lossing a second every lap, and trying to get a setup from them is like pulling teeth... anyone got anything else?

It's not their setups, they are drafting off eac others cars to gain speed and produce faster laps.
i know that, but even when i spectate and watch them race, they are still hitting higher speeds then I am. I can watch the race leader constantly be in front so he is not bennifiting from any draft at all and still run those times.

Setup is everything in this game, well almost everything, you still have to be able to drive.
Quote from beefy696969 :i know that, but even when i spectate and watch them race, they are still hitting higher speeds then I am. I can watch the race leader constantly be in front so he is not bennifiting from any draft at all and still run those times.

Setup is everything in this game, well almost everything, you still have to be able to drive.

Ask them for their setups in game?
i do... someone sent me one but it was worse then the one that i had... i still said thank you too him and i was grateful for it, but i still need something better.....
The driver in front does benefit from the driver behinds draft. The driver behind packs the air in the driver aheads car and it helps them both.
Quote from racer hero :The driver in front does benefit from the driver behinds draft. The driver behind packs the air in the driver aheads car and it helps them both.

it should, but it doesn't.
Are you driving the correct line? Just slightly off the correct line may cost you .5 seconds. I'm in a similar position to you, I can only get mid 38s lone
racer hero, after like 2457258924576thousand laps on the oval you should have realised that there is nothing like a push-pull effect on the oval. the car in front does NOT gain speed if there´s a car behind him. the only exception is if the car behind really pushes the car in front, bumps it, so really has contact with it (let´s call it bumpdrafting). i hope i made that clear

without any help you can´t get into the 37s in an fzr. those are the times you can compare with the WR, which is something like 38.4x atm afaik.

btw i´m driving on a set that enables me to to 38.59 if i try really hard, normally it´s like 38.62-38.7 - and i don´t care, cause it´s stable, i feel fine with it in almost every situation, and i know that with a drafting partner i can get into the 37s and be competitive. if you are SLOWER driving with cars around you then on your own, you or the others are "doing something wrong".

it takes time to get used to drafting that way, noone learns that within a few laps, many drivers i see or draft with have done several thousand laps on the oval (we love it ), and when there´s none of them around, i´m happy to try & show someone i´ve not seen before the way we draft. so maybe, beefy, we meet in the future. then all you have to do is not loose my draft after i passed you .... again and again
btw that´s the set enjoy

5th gear while driving on your own, made for max speed about 288kp/h, 6th gear can go up to 304 i think.
Attached files
FZR_oval.set - 132 B - 1285 views
Quote from beefy696969 :i know that, but even when i spectate and watch them race, they are still hitting higher speeds then I am. I can watch the race leader constantly be in front so he is not bennifiting from any draft at all and still run those times.

Setup is everything in this game, well almost everything, you still have to be able to drive.

I`m no oval specialist, but if you want to go fast there, you have to train, over and over. Find YOUR raceline, that you are happy with, and take the progress from there.

If you hotlap, use the widest tires (R3 or R4), heat them properly, more than you normally would do. Then make a "Pick up speed" lap, you can see how this is done, if you download hotlaps, and carefully watches them.

Then you can go for a good time on the oval. Do not carry much gas either

Normally non oval racers believes that oval racing is easy. Man, nothing can be more wrong than this ! To set the fastest lap on the oval is so hard, because you can`t make the slightest mistake, witout loosing valuable time.

1/100 of a second is much, when we speak about Bf1 on the oval, so don`t let the close times fool you. Oval racing is an art, and as all arts, hard to master

I`m no oval freak, but I sometimes like the challenge of taking the cars round Ky1. Oval is the mother of all hotlapping
aland44 is right
but yo have to have a fast set without having to draft
because drating speeds the car up sure but by the time you go to overtake the your drafting off its time for the bend and then you f**k*d because your goin to take the bend at the complete wrong angle so you want a fast setup that can do fast times by its self
Quote from whitford :aland44 is right
but yo have to have a fast set without having to draft
because drating speeds the car up sure but by the time you go to overtake the your drafting off its time for the bend and then you f**k*d because your goin to take the bend at the complete wrong angle so you want a fast setup that can do fast times by its self

umm...? Not really you need a fast set that is stable in the draft such as the one that Eimer has posted.
yes but as i said when you draft you go to overtake and the you either crash or take wrong line so your better off not bothering
and thats what you need a stabile set for.

Ive uploaded one of my sets to setupfield, and as you can read there, that is a quite good all-round set. For hotlapping, no wing angles needed, and R4 tires, as you can heat them up, and you will have more grip, thus losing less speed when going through bends.

In race, you dont have to go that fast, put on some wings, 1' at front, 2' at the back (for the needed stability), and R3 tires. (because you cant heat up the R4s properly, and they wont reach their optimum temp during most races.

When racing online, press 4, and following the green line really helps the newcomers to get their lines right. But dont trust the braking on the line, thats for AI's exclusively
And yes, the top speed you should reach before Turn 1 without drafting should be 286-7 (288 max), going out of T1 minimum speed of 270-1 (272 in HL), and coming out last turn, 265-267 (268) . The formula for a good lap, in the mid 38s. You wont be going under 38.5 during race alone. So some waypoints for you.
Quote from whitford :you go to overtake and then you either crash or take wrong line so your better off not bothering

sry, but am i the only one who doesn´t get his point? if you have a stable set, there´s no way to pass? that´s why you need like a set that is unstable enough to be fast? what?

ok, i assume you didn´t do extensive driving on the oval, so:

i did some quick test runs, with my "stable-but-not-fast(-enough-to-pass)" set and plaztik latest set in the fzr. and i was not one hundreth of a second faster with plaztiks set. if plaztik insists in being faster with his latest set, then ok, lets say it´s like that:

with my older set, he can get below 38.40 in 30% of his laps,
with his latest set he can get below 38.40 in 80% of his laps.
So let´s say his latest set is half a hundreth of a second faster (0,005s).

driving 360kph, you drive 100m in 1second, or 0.5m in 0.005s.
you´ll never reach 360kph in an fzr, so in 0.005s you drive more like 0.4m. back to comparing the 2 sets, that would mean that you may loose 0.1m (10 centimetres) per turn (including the little bend on start-finish).

Now i wanna see you say "DAMN, i lost that guy´s draft in that turn because he´s a tenth of a metre too far away from me. i NEED his setup" just look at your hand, like the distance between your thumb and your ... 5th finger (germans call it little finger, no clue about english). and then go online, join the oval, watch a car in front of you and estimate how many times there can be a tenth of a metre between you and the other car until you loose his draft...

i use the stable set because i do NOT crash with it. and if i drive the wrong line, then ... i dunno, it hurst my brain how you can say it´s the setups fault if you drive a wrong line. it really hurts!

need oval setup for FZ50 gtr
(19 posts, started )