Call of duty 4
(298 posts, started )
Quote from DeKo :So whats better?

Call me nostalgic but Rogue Spear still is the standard to which all other small-scale realistic FPS games are compared.

And COD4 fails miserably!

Granted RS is fugly, the multiplayer was a hack fest and the gameplay gives OFP/Arma a run for their money what comes to oddities and strange features. But it still has the power to make the current generation of FPS players go weep in a corner and clench their mommies' dresses.
Quote from DeKo :So whats better?

CS1.6 for a start. Cod1 was the purist game. And UT99, that game is the GPL of FPS games.
Quote from BigDave2967 :How do you do that?

/rate 25000, /snaps 30, /cl_maxpackets 100 (if you don't have a fast processor use cl_maxpackets 60, these are rate commands, if you think they are cheats, you need to get a rain check, also /cg_fov 80 gives a way better look to the game.
Quote from BlueFlame :/rate 25000, /snaps 30, /cl_maxpackets 100 (if you don't have a fast processor use cl_maxpackets 60, these are rate commands, if you think they are cheats, you need to get a rain check, also /cg_fov 80 gives a way better look to the game.

Somewhere I saw mentioned that /cg_fov 100 looks better on widescreen..can anybody confirm please?
I think I'll get this game off steam tomorrow or Thursday. Let's see if those rusty UT99 skills of mine still count for something.
I sorta wish i got it for the computer. 5 on 5 isn't enough after playing something like Battlefield 2 with tons of people and not a lot of space.

But since all my friends have xBox it's not that bad.
Quote from Rappa Z :I sorta wish i got it for the computer. 5 on 5 isn't enough after playing something like Battlefield 2 with tons of people and not a lot of space.

But since all my friends have xBox it's not that bad.

I'm not sure why I insist on buying all my games on PS3, when there's perfectly good versions of the games on the PC...

All my friends have PS3, so that helps me justify it; but it's double the price and miss out on great patches.

Talking of that - what do X360 users think of the latest patch? - the one with all the new KillCams and such. Over here on PS3, we didn't get the entire patch; just some map circulation additions and some connection patches...
I've got this on 360 and play quite a bit, but i'm not sure whether to get it on the PC. I'd be able to play online with you guys, but it then means i've bought the game twice. I'll maybe get it if i can grab it cheap, i don't like using a joypad.
I didn't realise there was a new patch for the 360 version. I've not played for a week or so, but didn't we already have kill cams? Other than from the enemy view, how many new ones can there be?

I've covered it before, but the reasons I like to play console versions are twofold. Firstly, hardware. If the devs make it for their test console, I know it'll look and perform exactly the same way on my system. While PCs aren't like that - they can design it for a multi-core 3.6Ghz CPU with 8Gb RAM and a top-end gfx card, but will it be worth playing on my system? If I get 15fps it's not worth it.
Secondly, hacks. While it's possible to install hacks on console versions of these games, it's a hell of a lot of hassle for the benefit. All online PC games have cheaters and I've seen them eerywhere from Counter-Strike to BF2. Aimbots, wallhacks, blah blah blah. If someone's kicking my ass on the 360, odds are it's just because they're better than me

They were talking of expanding the console multiplayer count. They said that the engine would handle 100-player matches irrelevant of the platform. I'd love to see at least 32 v 32 matches. But of course it might be a pain when you'd have to move all the way on foot
Quote from aroX123 :Vote thread:
(Just checking)

"Thread Rating: 1 votes, 4.00 average."

Already a rating system in place!
(or are you fishing for ratings??)
Quote from Dajmin :I didn't realise there was a new patch for the 360 version. I've not played for a week or so, but didn't we already have kill cams? Other than from the enemy view, how many new ones can there be?

Additions / New Features:

  • Added Kill cam to Airstrike bombs and Claymores (also grenades, martyrdom grenades and RPGs)
  • Addition of Host Migration so if Host Leaves auto-chooses next best host[/FONT]

Tweaked the following Oldschool Mode settings based on feedback:

  • Added Unlimited Sprint
  • Increased Magazine Size
  • Added Ragdoll Cam[/FONT]

Optimizations / Tweaks:

  • Identify party by background color (in Lobby)
  • Optimized server selection for first match for better connections
  • Improved network performance for 18 player games
  • Optimized 'Chase Cam' when Spectating
  • Fixed Playlist error when attempting to join from other games
  • Handle Corrupt Create A Class data instead of kicking player[/FONT]
PS3 didn't get the killcam, ragdoll or optinmized chase cam...
When is the next patch for Pc?
I downloaded the 1,5 yesterday
Got it yesterday evening, spent some time playing the (fantastic!) singleplayer and beat it this morning on hardened (should've set it to veteran, but meh)
I got to play a bit of multiplayer in the last few hours, and dinged 15 after 3h or so. I can't wait to get home after work tomorrow and get back to the grind
Hmm, so there's no way to have a friends list in this game besides installing xfire?
Quote from Jertje :Hmm, so there's no way to have a friends list in this game besides installing xfire?

No idea
Quote from Jertje :Hmm, so there's no way to have a friends list in this game besides installing xfire?

Not yet, but the devs have been asked to incorporate this feature in an upcoming patch...whether they will or not remains to be seen, but it HAS been suggested
I just had a really good search and destroy game on backlot. It was 6v6. I took a sniper and got on top of the building on the middle of the map and took out the entire other team by myself.

Then the next round i was screwed because everyone watched the kill cam and saw where I was. I lasted 5 seconds and then got shot.
Quote from Rappa Z :I just had a really good search and destroy game on backlot. It was 6v6. I took a sniper and got on top of the building on the middle of the map and took out the entire other team by myself.

Then the next round i was screwed because everyone watched the kill cam and saw where I was. I lasted 5 seconds and then got shot.

...ownage? :P

Quote from Rappa Z :I just had a really good search and destroy game on backlot. It was 6v6. I took a sniper and got on top of the building on the middle of the map and took out the entire other team by myself.

Then the next round i was screwed because everyone watched the kill cam and saw where I was. I lasted 5 seconds and then got shot.

You camping bastard
Quote from LFSn00b :Is CoD like another CS:S style game with more fancy bling? Because i've only got CS:S, and i love it.(Yesterday was fun, 30 kills and 10 deaths ^^)

In css it's more Free!
Like u can go allmost where u want but cod4 u are in 1floor and 2 floor and underground
Quote from aroX123 :In css it's more Free!
Like u can go allmost where u want but cod4 u are in 1floor and 2 floor and underground


CoD4 has an assload of multiplayer modes. From standard score-based killathons to domination matches. Environments range from swamps to desert towns to apartment complexes.
They could use being a bit bigger, but there's a good selection of cover, hiding places and spots to set up ambushes.

Call of duty 4
(298 posts, started )