I didn't realise there was a new patch for the 360 version. I've not played for a week or so, but didn't we already have kill cams? Other than from the enemy view, how many new ones can there be?
I've covered it before, but the reasons I like to play console versions are twofold. Firstly, hardware. If the devs make it for their test console, I know it'll look and perform exactly the same way on my system. While PCs aren't like that - they can design it for a multi-core 3.6Ghz CPU with 8Gb RAM and a top-end gfx card, but will it be worth playing on my system? If I get 15fps it's not worth it.
Secondly, hacks. While it's possible to install hacks on console versions of these games, it's a hell of a lot of hassle for the benefit. All online PC games have cheaters and I've seen them eerywhere from Counter-Strike to BF2. Aimbots, wallhacks, blah blah blah. If someone's kicking my ass on the 360, odds are it's just because they're better than me
They were talking of expanding the console multiplayer count. They said that the engine would handle 100-player matches irrelevant of the platform. I'd love to see at least 32 v 32 matches. But of course it might be a pain when you'd have to move all the way on foot