Skin for Robert Deek
(7 posts, started )
Skin for Robert Deek

I am a Formula BMW driver and I'm looking for a talented guy that can create a personal skin for me. ATM my car is full black, so I want (if possible) a "dark" skin with "dark" color like black.

I will try my best to win races so your skin will become famous (that's the only reward for your hard work, sorry ).

Robert Deek.
#2 - BURN
Quote from robert.deek :..
I will try my best to win races ...

Robert Deek.

and u doing good

about the skin could be usefull to give more infos. So far i even dont have an idea, but im short on time and anyway not really creative

I don't know, maybe something about the beauty of the space (90 % of the car is black) with tiny stars (tiny yellow), aliens (just a tiny green) and the feel of speed (white on black ?)... ?

But I don't want something really complicated. IMO a simple stuff will look better. So no sponsor or text, only a beautil skin
Here is my attempt, kept it very clean and simple. It is not actually black, I used carbon fibre, but it is to scale so you can only really see it close up with the high res version. Gave it a bit of a dirty fighter look too, with my dirt and scratch layers and the carbon fibre.

Upload the 1024 version, remove the (upload) bit. Put the 2048 version in your skins folder.

I gave you the number 01, because you beat everyone so you deserve a number 1 skin, hope you like it.
Attached images
Robert Deek FBM.jpg
FBM_^1R^7Deek (upload).jpg
Maybe something with stars and planets on it would look nice An "universe theme" skin?
Thank you Quicksilver

It's simple, I like it. As I said Sponge, maybe it will looks even better with a beautiful stars / planet on rear car (for example, I don't know where is the best) to see how small we are in the universe

But atm I will use it
Thank you again

Skin for Robert Deek
(7 posts, started )