The online racing simulator
#26 - SamH
Quote from niels1 :omg sam is doing drifitng ????

Amazingly, I've been able to keep it from drifting! I'm like one of THE ONLY people who've managed this so far!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :How can you enjoy driving that boat?


What was it again what you said earlier on the server?
FZ5 is for sexy people with large clocks?

I know, I said that, I'm sorry. *hug*... Sorry for jabbing you in the leg.
@ SAM - I could make a little program, that stores all usernames with their current nickname, if you wish?

Then you could do a DB lookup from that database?

Upto you!
#30 - SamH
Quote from Krammeh :@ SAM - I could make a little program, that stores all usernames with their current nickname, if you wish?

Then you could do a DB lookup from that database?

Upto you!

Cheers bud It's no biggie.. I just need to write a routine which goes through each server once every 30 seconds or so, and writes out the player names as an array to a database field. Then I can yank it out of the database for the Servers page. It's in my "toScrewUp" list
Shh... if it screws up, just say you listened to my advice on how to do it...
I think you forgot to close a div again Sam

Watch the screenshot and you'll see where
Attached images
#33 - SamH
Quote from koolby :I think you forgot to close a div again Sam

Watch the screenshot and you'll see where

LOL! Hmm.. delete your cache.. I replaced that image completely, about 5 hours ago
Ow hehe sorry

But now I see that the picture from B&J has that problem
#35 - SamH
Quote from koolby :Ow hehe sorry

But now I see that the picture from B&J has that problem

hehe yes, it has.. I forgot to fix that! It's actually a 10px margin on one side. I've altered the image and moved the margin, and forgotten to upload it!