Simsox up for sale
(28 posts, started )
Simsox up for sale
I have one new pairs of Simsox up for sale. It's the v5 Simsox which means that both SimSox and SimHeel are included. The price is 35 euro + shipping fees. ... /raceready/simsox/lfs.htm

1x Live for Speed - M

If you are interested, just write me a PM. You can pay via international bank transfer, Paypal or send the money per mail.

If you don't know which size fits your feet, take a look here:
awesome. as the ones i ordered and paid in december at dE already still didnt arrive... i can get some finally \o/

sent pm
Quote from Da Hoe :awesome. as the ones i ordered and paid in december at dE already still didnt arrive...

yikes... well at least you know u contributed for the development of iracing (or a couple of its members) ...
mwuhahah and Da_Hoe never found i had hidden hsi simsocks down my pants.

another mystery solved.
another way to end a neverending story
how did you end up with that many?
£23.7437 for a pair of sock's! Not including delivery..

"You're avin a laugh aint ya?"

Da_hoe, you got your money back, right?
Quote from L(Oo)ney :£23.7437 for a pair of sock's! Not including delivery..

"You're avin a laugh aint ya?"

(GP4Flo) DELETED by GP4Flo
I still have one Live for Speed Simsox in M up for sale. PM me when you are interested.

Edit: They are new, NOT used
now with german blue cheese scent!
I was gonna get some of them SimSox. Then I noticed the store didn't work. So I put it off, and got some Mountain Dew instead. Now I wouldn't be able to get anyway as my rent is so damn much (£49 a week >.<)
I never bothered to even think of buying a pair... since using a normal sock is probably just the same?
Drive in bare feet and stick broken glass to your accelerator pedal. You'll never spin again.

SimSox indeed.
Quote from L(Oo)ney :If you take a nest full of wasps and shake it, you will get a reaction.

i stepped on a nest in a log and it SUCKED!

now back on topic. i don't think i've ever had a problem using any pair of socks before. i'm not trying to kill your lucrative sock buisness or anything, but why don't you people with teflon socks just go buy a pair with rubber whiney the poohs on the bottom or something?

Actually, you know what you could go buy... which is essentially the same thing...

Neoprene Diving booties... I have some for when I go free diving... they are pretty much the same thing if you get ones that don't have grip patterns on the bottom. You also can get ones for skiing/snowboard boots... which are just neoprene socks that are good for padding.

Or... just buy some racing shoes .

Neoprene Sock --

Sorry if I ruined your sale or something Florian, just expressing my thoughts on what a SimSox really is
or some sim-sandals
Oh that's right, you use sandals when playing
Quote from Tweaker :Or... just buy some racing shoes .

Nah, buy some of this from me instead.

I can assure you that no racing shoe will ever give you a better grip on your pedals.

It'll be in my online store, as soon as i get it setup.

RRP : £25
Attached images
Heh, very good, Looney!
Quote :....Logitech stuff...

HaHA Good one. i think this whole sim sock is very daft!
Quote from Tweaker :[...]Sorry if I ruined your sale or something Florian, just expressing my thoughts on what a SimSox really is

No problem, I've already sold that pair
#25 - axus
Bwahaha - lol @ SimBrick.

Simsox up for sale
(28 posts, started )