Some great books in this thread! I read some good books last year actually, not a bad 12 months for my list.
Breaking The Spell - Religion as a natural phenomenon by Daniel C Dennett. A sober, rational look at religion. As far from Christopher Hitchens' style as you could get, but they basically agree with each other.
Steep Approach to Garbadale by Iain Banks. An intricate Scottish tale of family, lust and highly successful strategy games

Waiting for his next scifi novel. The last one,
The Algebraist, was Banksy's usual mind-expanding writing. Very, very immersive, high-concept epic space-opera. Also re-read
Excession, which should be made into a very long movie with the original score written by Muse.
@Crashgate - I bought
Reality Dysfunction a couple of years ago on holiday but didn't have time to read it. Might just hook into that next. Epic scifi ftw :up: Should throw some PK Dick on the list too.
Pattern Recognition by William Gibson. Just read it. If you're not in love with the heroine by chapter 2 you're broken
God Is Not Great - How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens. Never backward in coming forward, Hitch tells you exactly what he thinks of religion and its effect on the world.
Exactly what he thinks. This man knows not the concept of word-mincing! Highly inflammatory and flat-out offensive or jolly good fun - depending on your perspective
The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. Long before he was one of these laughably, oxymoronically-named "fundamentalist atheists" he was a highly respected evolutionary biologist. Following on from his earlier work
The Selfish Gene, Dawkins uses
Watchmaker to further explain the development of biological diversity on Earth.
Right now:
Guardians Of Power - The Myth of the Liberal Media by David Edwards & David Cromwell. A great eye-opening account of US/UK media slackness, covering the reporting of actions in (so far) Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo and the giant gaps between it and what was actually going on at the time. Wish they'd included Australian media idiocy but there's only so much paper in the world
Very soon: the autobiography of Gunners guitar-lord Slash

edit: forgot Douglas Adams' (may Something rest his soul)
The Salmon Of Doubt! It was published after he died and was compiled by his family, friends and assistant from stuff left on his many Macs. He'd started another Dirk Gently novel too, which will now never be completed