Wow, OK. So you reccomend C++ as its basically C just with more options?. Im not too bothered what language i learn as i dont do it for a job. its just something ive taking a personal intrest to. I just want to be able to make a program when i want and how i want
You'd probably prefer C++ over C, since OOP exists in a manner that you'd probably find easier to comprehend with your background in C#. You'd have to do less "rolling your own" than C, but more than C#.
I know I'm probably the noobiest person here in this thread regarding programming, but I know the basics in C++ and C. My question is, do ye guys think that C++ is "neater" than C?
I downloaded the trial of CodeGear with C++Builder from Borland. I must say that there VCL design program is very nice indeed! In fact, it's almost exactly the same as Windows.Forms for Visual C#, even down to the class and property names (which makes sense as they're both just wrappers for the same thing). I can see how it would aid your programming efficiency, as I am starting to find making dialogs and windows with a resource editor rather tedious. Still, it's good to know how it all works underneath.
Just a shame it costs $800 lol! I'll need to see if I can find something that does the same thing for free.
I think the thing that attracted me most to Borland C++ Builder (back in v6 days) other than the fact the friend who "kicked my arse" was a veteran Borland user.. it was a relatively simple transition from VB due to the drop-n-code methods. Sure, I had to learn what to put in the events, but the GUI part (which coding by hand as I did with wxWidgets (never used a res editor for constructing new windows, only editing existing ones) took ages and was a real trial n error chore half the time) saves me so much time and effort.
It is nice to know the underneath workings though as you say. Some I've learnt, some I'm still to learn.. but enjoying the journey
The other part I like about it it is that many Delphi components (most components are written in Delphi anyway although I write mine in C++) will also compile to be used in C++ Builder (an option in the compiler to 'Generate all C++ headers' makes this simple.. although not everything will due to some specific Delphi / C++ differences).. but I've just added a Delphi Scintilla wrapper component this morning for example.. took 5 mins to compile and install (now the longer part; to learn it and replace the SynEdit component in my latest app).
Yeah, that's a bit of a bitch. I'm still using BDS2006.
I don't know of any free (or even cheaper) versions unfortunately
This is how I understand it, I may be wrong on some details though...
Visual C++ supports three languages, standard C, standard C++ and Microsoft C++/CLI (often referred to as Managed C++ or C++.NET). The first two are international standards for the C and C++ programming languages, the third is Microsoft's own propriety version of the C++ language, they created for use with the .NET Framework.
When creating a new project in Visual C++ you have a option to create it as either CLR or Win32. If you choose CLR then you are coding with C++/CLI, if you choose Win32 you are coding using standard C/C++. In my opinion you should completely avoid C++/CLI and only learn the standard versions of the languages.
to be honest with you. If your gonna code in C++ then i belive Dev C++ might be a better option for programming. Where as if you are using C++/CLI then use Visual C++ Express edition. ill refer to something DarkTimes said and thats, "Always use the right tool for the job", in my opinion this goes for I.D.E's too
I have Visual Studio 2005, I wont be using no express edition software, if anyone is wondering how I have visual studio 2005, I got it from a friend who no longer needed it and gave it to me.
I'm my opinion Visual C++ 2008 Express is one of the best IDE's you can get, without having to shell out an obscene amount of cash (note my thoughts on the Borland C++ IDE earlier).
I'd avoid using Dev C++ though, that project is pretty much dead, and it hasn't been updated in about (Edit: ages). It's basically way out of date compared to more modern IDEs.
A great IDE for the moment is the open-source Code::Blocks project, however it can be a bit of pain to install for a newbie (make sure you really read the web site instructions). It is just an IDE though, so you need to install and configure your own compiler. A good compiler to use is with it is MinGW, although if you have Visual Studio installed already then you can easily configure it to work with the Microsoft C++ Compiler.
The express editions are practically identical to the 'proper' versions, except they lack the ability to use plugins, plus some select options designed for teams working on large software projects. You could argue that VS 2008 Express is more beneficial to a solo programmer than a full version of VS 2005, as you'll benefit from the numerous upgrades MS have worked into it. This is especially true if you are working with the .NET Framework, as VS 2005 does not support C# 3.0 or .NET 3.5, where as VS 2008 Express does.
Which incidentally breaks the license as much as if you had downloaded it from BitTorrent.
oh right does it, so you have never given games to friends? Does it really matter if I have it or not, so what would it be better to get Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition? If so I will download it, does it have the same amount of options and what is the difference between VS 2005 and Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition?
I'm not trying to tell you which IDE to use, but just that I wouldn't discount the express editions just because they are marketed as being 'cut-down' versions of the official thing, as if you are a solo programmer you probably won't even notice that anything is missing.
This shows a comparison between the different Visual Studio 2005 versions. I imagine VS2008 is much the same.
I do agree with you tho Visual studio are amazing I.D.E's but i just thought that if he wants to learn C++ then maybe that would have been better, although i just downloaded Visual C++ and its acutally stupid how i thought Dev C++ could be better
I am having some problem with the compiler when learning the code from the CD I bought, the code is:
// This is a comment. // This program will accept numbers and their sum.
#include <iostream.h>
void main() { // Define variables. float num1; float num2; float total; // Enter data for variables. cout << "Enter a value for the first variable: "; cin >> num1; cout << "Enter a value for the second variable: "; cin >> num2;
// Add the two numbers together. total = num1 + num2;
// Display the results. cout << "The sum of the numbers = " << total; }
When I go to compile it, it comes up with a load of errors, where am I going wrong or am I not including something, I am using C++ 2008 Express Edition because I don't want to use the Visual studio for learning C++
I forgot to say something, I got errors in Dev C++ but as I started it in C++ 2008 Express Edition, where is compile or if it is debug it doesn't give me the option to debug and run, where am I going wrong?
// Enter data for variables. std::cout << "Enter a value for the first variable: "; std::cin >> num1; std::cout << "Enter a value for the second variable: "; std::cin >> num2;
// Add the two numbers together. total = num1 + num2;
// Display the results. std::cout << "The sum of the numbers = " << total; }
Oh I see, must because he may be using a different version then me on the video because it compiled for him, how do you compile in "C++ 2008 Express Edition" ?
Edit, it doesnt even the debug buttons cant be pressed if it is them, I am just working from a .cpp file without it saved under any project, if that helped.