Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack on topic
Its amazing how many people say that seeing Muse has been the best time of their life
Hmmm id say my life is overall good, im very lucky to get to do some things other people dont get to, i cant help feel guilty about that sometimes too.
One was racing in the peeing rain at Pembrey back last August, it was desperately wet and a lot of people were hating it, we were cramped under a 3x3m Gazebo type thing for shelter while everyone else had a van and awning, (In the sieries im racing in our team has by far the smallest budget!) I absolutely loved racing in the wet while some of the others were hating it, and in the second race of the weekend I finished 5th from a 15th place start, powesliding around on the track (it was ridiculously slippery) was just so much fun, id love to do it again any time, unfortunately the money has run out so the racing will probrably have to go on hold for a bit
Another must be when the band im in did its first live show, (I play bass, rather poorly!) I was sieriously doubting that we could pull it off, but it all went perfectly despite our drummers bass drum pedal falling apart during the last song (he was reaching down and screwing it back together while playing!), such a buzz.