The online racing simulator
Thanks for that Void, helps me on 2 points.

1) newer version
2) saves me trying to hunt down this thread because i'd noticed issues i was having with the standalone flash version which i wasnt having with the web based version.

For some reason while watching the final IGTC round i realised that while also watching the live stream video that that was ahead of what i was seeing on the remote. There would be a crash, they'd spot the incident and you'd see an upturned car, and i could go to the remote, locate the driver, and wait to see them crash!
We're talking 45-60sec delay too, nothing like you needed to be uber quick else you'd miss it.
What made it stranger was that their was conflicting data being presented. Again, same race, i'd see people pitting which is perfectly normal, but not when they're driving down the back straight of AS4, changing left front, right front, left rear, right rear, adding fuel... So SOME data was live, yet the GPS type positional data was lagging.
I could load a remote up, let them do say 90sec driving, load up a 2nd window and the difference between them would be around 5-8sec on-track distance.
I've used the standalone version since it came out, barely use anything but that, and never before have I seen anything like this, and its still there to this moment.

Looking on this vers, and waiting 1min before loading a 2nd window, theres around a 2sec delay between both versions... yet the LFSW version isnt an issue for me.

Win7, 2.8g QC, 8gb Ram, doubt anything else would be relevent.
Hi Victor,

No such luck.
I've attached a screenshot of the difference
top window opened at 18:15.30
bottom one opened at 18:18.30

The clock time between the two is negligible, the chat is always live, and things like flag data displayed against the driver is live, however the location of the driver seems to be inaccurate.
Conveniently the screenshot gives an idea what sort of delay is there, in pic2 the 2nd placed car crosses the line and is 2.9sec behind the leader, who was about half the distance between the 2 drivers short of the S/F line in pic1. So i'd say theres around 4.5sec lost in only 180sec of the app being open.

Car movement was smooth as silk really, jittery cars was something i dont recall ever being a problem in the past (before this issue appeared), but i have been seeing it recently, however loading up the vers Void added it was smooth there also so not really much help on that respect, but it was smooth on this occasion.

On a slightly different subject, but one which might help put the blame on something unrelated to LFS's code, for the last year or so racing online has been pretty much impossible for me on many an occasion. Back in Apr-May while running a league it was impossible for me to race with others because im seeing too much lag, attempting to pass someone would be dangerous because i'd get taken out by a false prediction of their actions.
I use NetLimiter to log traffic in & out, and it tells me specificly whats going in and out of each process. LFS rarely seems to go above 2-4kbps, and from what others have said while in the same server using the same software, they're getting double that.
At any given time i know i can max my line out and get 800/50kb up/dn and I know nothing else is talking and hogging that line, nothing more than say 2kb total.
On Saturday i joined the back of the MoE's media session, got in a little late as they were 1/4 round the lap, caught them near half-way and they all disappeared, replaced by lag msg and i just sat there waiting for the server to die. ~90sec later they reappeared, i caught up slowly keeping my distance, and they disappeared when i got close. I had solid lag with just a tiny bit of fluctuation in there, all above the pink/red iirc and never dropping out of it. The replay (attached) shows everyone there, some being sent flying by my car as they slowed while i couldnt see them. Jonesy has had the same issue in the middle of MoE races at least twice, and iirc in the 12hr and 24hr rounds typically. It means you have no choice put to pit and swap drivers asap, else who knows what could happen. I think in the 24hr race we even had to guide him past our GT2 car which he obviously couldnt see, before we could get him into the pit.
I dont know if this invisable grid thing is a known bug, or whether its relevent to anything, but im putting it out there because I clearly have some issues with LFS going on, and i cant imagine what they could be. I can open ports if theres some worth trying.
Attached images
Attached files
KY3_qual_30M_0R_14Q.rar - 1.7 MB - 179 views

LFS Remote / Spectator
(378 posts, started )