The online racing simulator
Performance Enhancing Drugs
(40 posts, started )
Quote from wheel4hummer :Is Viagra a performance-enhancing drug? Or am I thinking of the wrong kind of performance?

Well, without viagra there may not be any kind of performance at all. So it is not performance enhacing, it is performance 100% of it... ehm... so I've heard...

Coffee ftw. Tea is for pussies and wild animals
Quote from Hyperactive :Coffee ftw. Tea is for pussies and wild animals

You poor ignorant fool. A cup of tea is magical. It can cure anything from broken bones to mental illnesses - ask any English mother.
Quote from Hyperactive :Coffee ftw. Tea is for pussies and wild animals

Pah, Tea has more caffeine. Coffee is for posers.
(The Moose) DELETED by The Moose
Quote from frokki :
Accodring to that, even coke has more caffeine than tea

Alright smart arse
Admittedly i was using "coffee contains less caffeine than tea when measured in its dry form" to support my rather flimsy case.

Still, Britain didn't build an empire whilst drinking
Caffè Latte and Caramel Macchiato did it
Quote from Shotglass :and thats a .com which means its american coffe which essentially is slightly brown water

Just like American beer, which is essentially slightly yellow water.
I dunno If I just HAD to take speed, I would stick to crystal meth, You can do it a variety of ways, and unlike the makers of the energy drinks and the I guess FPS stuff, The speed manufacturers will tell you straight up that their crap will kill you. You just gotta like truth in advertising over spins and catch phrases.
And besides, I'd like to see someone smoke a Red Bull thru a light bulb.
Quote from The Moose :Still, Britain didn't build an empire whilst drinking Caffè Latte and Caramel Macchiato did it

Tea didn't to that - gin did.
Quote from xaotik :Tea didn't to that - gin did.

I was under the impression that the slaves helped a bit. I could be wrong though - those lazy slaves always get all the credit for everything.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I was under the impression that the slaves helped a bit. I could be wrong though - those lazy slaves always get all the credit for everything.

Well if you want the real truth it was actually done with flags.
Quote from xaotik :Well if you want the real truth it was actually done with flags.

Top class
You've gotta love Eddie. I'm going to have to watch one of his DVD's later.
#40 - JTbo
I would like that all such performance increasing drugs would cause your internal organs to explode, that way game would be fair to all

Performance Enhancing Drugs
(40 posts, started )