The online racing simulator
Wheel Problem
(9 posts, started )
Wheel Problem
i have a logitech momo and im having problems with my wheel... for some reason when im driving my wheel thats on my desk stays straight but the wheel in the game jerks to the right or left so my wheel becomes unaligned.. its not my forcefeed back anyone have any ideas?? please help!
ok nevermind i just fixed the problem =]
ugh... this wheel is having problems again and ive tryed looking for the "new" patch but i cant find it anywhere please help..
If I understood correctly, you mean that when your wheel is centered, wheels in the game aren't and vice versa?

I am having the same problem. When I start my computer, wheel starts to spin from side to side. For some reason it doesn't center itself any more, so I'll have to manually center it before windows starts.
its useually i recalibrate the wheel before the race.. then it gets so bad that during the race i go slamming into the wall because the wheel gets unaligned
Hmm... Unfortunately I don't have a cure for that. Only thing I can give to you is an advice:
1) Try your wheel on another computer
2) Try your wheel on another game
ok thanks =]
Quote from NtrlBrnRacer :its useually i recalibrate the wheel before the race.. then it gets so bad that during the race i go slamming into the wall because the wheel gets unaligned

I don't know if this is any help, but I had similar(?) problems with red momo, and never found the cure. It just lost some calibration in crashes (or fast movements!), improved damage system that was

If your physical wheel jerks from left to right on straights, reduce force feedback strength (I used 101% in profiler and about 40% in LFS with that momo) to reduce it.
ok thanks ill try that

Wheel Problem
(9 posts, started )