The online racing simulator
XRR amoco#93
(20 posts, started )
XRR amoco#93
hi,can someone make me this skins plz (nascar amoco#93) and can u do the number 93 like the last one photo plz??
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I'm not too good with stock car skins. I wait a few days and if no one else does it I'll give it a shot.

Can you tell me who drove that car?
dave blaney drove that car
Well, since no one made a skin I guess mine will have to do

Thxs Burn for the color set

Also tell me if this is a public or private skin. If it's a public I'll make another post with the specs. if it's private add my MSN:
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woah! low res!
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :woah! low res!

Ya I had to use the sticker set that drift originally gave me. It was very low res when I first played with it and I tried to make it better. That's the best I can do with that set.

Do you want a higher res pic drift?
Quote from lizardfolk :Well, since no one made a skin I guess mine will have to do

Thxs Burn for the color set

Also tell me if this is a public or private skin. If it's a public I'll make another post with the specs. if it's private add my MSN:

u did that paint? how did u i need help with that
Quote from mutt107 :u did that paint? how did u i need help with that

I had help from BURN "Smokey". He did the colors. But I did everything else.
ok ive been searching for number online but i can't find it
try masgraphixracing or something
like it man but can u do it at a lil bit more high resolution like zoomy said try this: best skinning site for nascar 2003 and the decals are better ,otherwise good work and i like it

ps:that's a public skin man
Quote from dk the drift king :like it man but can u do it at a lil bit more high resolution like zoomy said try this: best skinning site for nascar 2003 and the decals are better ,otherwise good work and i like it

ps:that's a public skin man

Ok I'll see what I can do. I should have it fixed by this friday (i'm a bit busy ATM)
Ok I know I promised the skin by friday. I apologize, I'm caught in a snag and could not complete the high res decals. I know you must be disappointed or even angry with me, but please understand I had some personal problems. I'll try to finish up this skin by Monday (latest next week Friday)
ok man ,no pro
Well, I got sick today so I had some time on my hands here, if you like it let me know and I'll post the map

If you see any mistakes let me know
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Map. If there's any problems with it let me know
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good man good maybe u can do the decals a lil bit bigger plz??
Quote from dk the drift king :good man good maybe u can do the decals a lil bit bigger plz??

Sorry if i make it any bigger it wouldn't fit the slot. However, I can add more decals at the back

XRR amoco#93
(20 posts, started )