Just entered my first race, started from the back @ Laguna. Ended up winning as the leader was taken out by someone leaving the pits (I was catching him anyway

) No incident points even.
It was refreshing seeing people actually ease into T1.. and T2, 3, 4, etc... First lap took
forever, but it was clean at least. If that race was any indication of how things are going to be in iRacing, I think I'll enjoy it quite a bit.
As an aside, my new rig got here today and I couldn't be happier. Q9450, 4gb RAM @ 800mhz, 8800gt. Solid 100fps the whole race with graphics basically maxed, even some shadows thrown in there. Only downside is my flat panel isn't here yet so instead of 27" I'm on a 14" CRT from the bottom of a closet....
Hope to see you guys on the track.