The online racing simulator
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the unstableness allong with the Spec Racer. Damn all those bumps on Summit Point
Quote from anttt69 :Thanks, but I already have a .xls reader & i have avoided dl ing open office due to it taking me over my monthly usage limit. Any chance of it in .xls form?

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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Yeah i got on it, really boring though, theres little or no competition. Really strange how it osrt of on train tracks, theres only 1 entry to a corner, you can't carry more speed or try a different line. Is 1.49.2 any good?

I'm running consistent low 49s and dropping into the mid to high 48s every once in a while. It is really boring though. Keeps matching me with ppl running 52s and stuff...
Quote from evilpimp :It is really boring though. Keeps matching me with ppl running 52s and stuff...

Then race the Spec racer! or the Skippy if your SR is high enough.

My Solstice races were the same... i just drove away from everyone, it wasn't much fun. Get your iRating half decent and race the SRF or Skippy and you should end up in some top quality races.
Still rookie but my safety rating is around 3.5 so should be moving up a class whenever the time comes. Dont have money for the skippy but might try the spec racer even though it feels really weird o_O.
It probably feels weird because it has very little power but quite grippy tires. Suspension is also quite soft, making it little tricky car to drive precisely. Skippy is quite different; thin radials on each corner, more power and stiffer suspension setup that makes it feel much more agile.
Do you loose safety rating points when you're promoted? I had a SR of 3.4 a few weeks ago, and was promoted to class D. Haven't been driving since then, but now when I logged in at the member site I see my SR is down to 2.4.
Quote from arco :Do you loose safety rating points when you're promoted? I had a SR of 3.4 a few weeks ago, and was promoted to class D. Haven't been driving since then, but now when I logged in at the member site I see my SR is down to 2.4.

yeah, you lose a 1.0 when you go up a license. The idea being to then race cars a license above that you have to put work in to get your SR up there again
Ah ok, that explains it. Thanks.
spec racer seriously sucks, after 10mins of spinning after lifting into a corner i finally figured out it wants you to keep some sort of throttle imput all the way through the corner, which sucks. Really twitchy and unpredictable. The only way i could get a lap out of it was to be rough with it which seems silly but it worked for that 1 lap and i got 1.45 , i have a feeling that was a bad lap. Very strange car, sometimes you get a feeling it has alot more grip at certain parts than the solatice but other corners im entering slower than i would in the solatice.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :spec racer seriously sucks, after 10mins of spinning after lifting into a corner i finally figured out it wants you to keep some sort of throttle imput all the way through the corner, which sucks. Really twitchy and unpredictable. The only way i could get a lap out of it was to be rough with it which seems silly but it worked for that 1 lap and i got 1.45 , i have a feeling that was a bad lap. Very strange car, sometimes you get a feeling it has alot more grip at certain parts than the solatice but other corners im entering slower than i would in the solatice.

Try stiffening rear dampers, that seems to take the edge off.
Also adjusting tire pressures can change behavior quite a lot.
ye, it's a weird little thing
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :It wants you to keep some sort of throttle imput all the way through the corner, which sucks.

It's a trainer, just like the Skip, it wants you to have a little throttle while turning so you're forced to drive properly. Slow in, fast out, back on the gas by the apex, etc. Get used to it and I guarantee you'll pick up time in the other cars.

Edit: Log into the iRacing forum and check out this thread, lots of good info on the car.
SRF Thread
Whats a respectable time on the basic setup? After a little more patience at laguna i got a 1.43.4 still think its quite bad but better. T2 is absolutely awful in this car, i thought it was bad in the solatice but its terrible in the spec.
I don't like the SPec Racer to be honest. I race the skippy!
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :spec racer seriously sucks, after 10mins of spinning after lifting into a corner i finally figured out it wants you to keep some sort of throttle imput all the way through the corner, which sucks.

I got to check out iRacing at a friend's house and made the same discovery, it needs about 1/3rd to 1/2 throttle to be happy, depending on engine rpms.

It appears to be due to the differential, the coast side ramps are set too loose, and the power side ramps are set too tight. If this was GPL, it would be the equivalent of an 85/85/4 differential. The problem is that I could see no way to adjust the differential, and trying to compensate for this with suspension tweaks would end up making the car even tighter under power.

With it's screwball differential setup, the SRF's (scca Spec Racing Ford) only purpose would seem to be to teach left foot braking (while modulating the throttle with right foot) Otherwise it's a terrible setup, and worse yet, it's intended for the novice drivers. It would be the the car of choice for the "we're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now club ".

After testing all the cars you get with the free 1 month trial (promotional code is PR-RADICAL-ONE-MONTH), the Radical was the easiest of the group to drive. It's differential setup (not adjustable on any of the cars I tested) seemed reasonable, leaving the in game suspension setups to be enough to taylor the car for a particular driving style. However it would take months for a new player to be able to race with the Radical becase of the marketing scheme where class advancment is slow.

The Solstice was gutless with not much grip, not a fun car. The Legends was the opposite of the SRF, happy with lift throttle during corner entry, prone to oversteer under throttle.
Quote from JeffR :I got to check out iRacing at a friend's house and made the same discovery, it needs about 1/3rd to 1/2 throttle to be happy, depending on engine rpms.

It appears to be due to the differential, the coast side ramps are set too loose, and the power side ramps are set too tight. If this was GPL, it would be the equivalent of an 85/85/4 differential. The problem is that I could see no way to adjust the differential, and trying to compensate for this with suspension tweaks would end up making the car even tighter under power.

With it's screwball differential setup, the SRF's (scca Spec Racing Ford) only purpose would seem to be to teach left foot braking (while modulating the throttle with right foot) Otherwise it's a terrible setup, and worse yet, it's intended for the novice drivers. It would be the the car of choice for the "we're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now club ".

After testing all the cars you get with the free 1 month trial (promotional code is PR-RADICAL-ONE-MONTH), the Radical was the easiest of the group to drive. It's differential setup (not adjustable on any of the cars I tested) seemed reasonable, leaving the in game suspension setups to be enough to taylor the car for a particular driving style. However it would take months for a new player to be able to race with the Radical becase of the marketing scheme where class advancment is slow.

The Solstice was gutless with not much grip, not a fun car. The Legends was the opposite of the SRF, happy with lift throttle during corner entry, prone to oversteer under throttle.

Very true about the Radical. It would take a while to get to be able to compete with it. A minimum of 4 months to get to a license you can drive it.
The SRF and Skip Barber both use an open differential, so with that comes the horrible entry oversteer and on power push you would normally get. It seems less of a problem on the Skippy though, but both cars would handle so much better with an LSD.
Quote from StableX :yeah, you lose a 1.0 when you go up a license. The idea being to then race cars a license above that you have to put work in to get your SR up there again

That's not exactly true. Your SR is calculated differently based on your license level, so when you move up a license, your SR gets recalculated for your new license. The higher you get the stricter it is, so you generally lose SR every time you get promoted.
Quote from UncleBenny :That's not exactly true. Your SR is calculated differently based on your license level, so when you move up a license, your SR gets recalculated for your new license. The higher you get the stricter it is, so you generally lose SR every time you get promoted.

you've basically agreed with what I said.... Each time you get promoted, you lose SR. Each license I have got, be it in road or oval, I've lost + or - 1.0 in SR each time. This has been the case with Road License from rookie all the way to A license. After asking 6 other people, they have had exactly the same.
I was just pointing out that you don't just automatically lose a certain amount of SR, it drops because it is weighted differently. Essentially it ends up being the same thing, but people might not realize why you take a bigger hit in SR when you get incidents at higher license levels, its because the rules are different.
Quote from UncleBenny :I was just pointing out that you don't just automatically lose a certain amount of SR, it drops because it is weighted differently. Essentially it ends up being the same thing, but people might not realize why you take a bigger hit in SR when you get incidents at higher license levels, its because the rules are different.

no, I agree... but he was asking (I think) why he got a drop in SR when he got promoted, not why he gets a bigger drop in SR when he has an incident during A race......

I have to say, its made me really think this time if I want to go up a license to A in road this time. I do tend to make one or two mistakes in a race and thats enough in a B license race to stop you getting much if any SR! I think with A, I'm going to seriously struggle. However, hoping that the Lotus comes out soon, I'll be able to drive it. It'll probably sods law and you'll need a B license and my SR will be 1.0
Excited about Lotus too, but most likely I'll just end up throwing it into tire barriers time after time. I'll be A next season but might do one more season on Mazda or move to Radical, not sure yet. It would be a shame to ditch Mazda now that I'm finally starting to get confident driving it to the limit, running low 1:05's around Summit Point Raceway is quite thrilling due to few well placed inside curbs that spin you off to walls if you even touch them.
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