Hehe, here's my conditions, or stuff that I'd expect/liked iracing to deliver:
0. Cars look and feel alive
1. Bug free gaming
2. good net code and collisions
3. Physics better than LFS
4. Realism
5. Mechanical failures
6. Online skins
7. GUI that works
8. Pit strategy organiser
9. Weather & dynamic road surfaces
10. Reasonable amount of interesting content.
11. Community with people who understand the difference between looks and feel.
12. Possible to run leagues, hotlap and practise offline whenever I want
13. Official game servers, admins and banlists
And last and most importantly, no fu****ng scripted stuff in anything that has anything to do with physics.
And imho, American race tracks are defenately good ones if you want a track that is both popular and widely known. And has interesting corners.
The tracklist is quite good, lots of interesting circuits although Nurbi, Mosport and Bathurst are (still) missing

. another interesting thing is the link with ski barber racing school. Wonder if that has something too...