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Quote from boothy :The above quote supports the following, and disproves your own point!

iRacing: lose position + lose SR
real life: lose position + lose money repairing car

Not really..

In iRacing and real life you have los of position trough the incident and the damage, that sometimes must and sometimes must not or even can´t be repaired in the race. Then iRacing adds with the broken SR another punishment and that is like the FIA punishes Hamilton or McLaren for getting crashed by Vettel. You do realise how stupid that is..

Plz do me a favour and stop this crazy argumentation it is really so dumb, SR is not = money loss it´s fia adding some crazy punishment for the guy who just got crashed by a mistake of another driver..

Quote :You mention that you "only" got +0.1 - you need to read more about the SR system, and you'd know it's only on your last 2600 corners, so obviously you didn't improve that much only your corners per incident rate to warrant more of an SR gain...

No NOT only +0.1 I was sure I will get again -anything in that race because that guy crashed right into me and i flew of the track.. (and there it was again contact 4x..) I still got a + and not a - for that race so it was okish..
Quote from funRacer[83] :
Plz do me a favour and stop this crazy argumentation it is really so dumb, SR is not = money loss it´s fia adding some crazy punishment for the guy who just got crashed by a mistake of another driver..

It really isn't dumb, what's dumb is that you're not seeing the big picture. Statistically, sure, there's going to be some isolated spells where you feel "singled out" and it's just not fair. That's par for the course, install your big girl panties and deal with it. But over the long haul, the system DOES show your propensity for getting into wrecks whether you cause them or not.

It doesn't seem like you care, but the truth is that there are VERY few wrecks that you absolutely cannot avoid on track. Even taking a smaller off course hit is better than a contact deduction obviously. So if this is really happening to you that often that you have to come here and put yourself on display with an over the top post, then either get your hormones in check or just be more aware of your surroundings, or maybe both.
It's not dumb. It's not perfect either. It's designed to keep those fools who are crashing into you out of top class events.

The people involved in the most crashes stay at the bottom, those involved in less crashes can stay at the top and race in clean races. You get penalized, yes. Sometimes when it's not you're fault, but the same is for everyone so what might seem as unfair you you personally is in fact fair to everyone as a whole.

You're going to have crashes when ever you race esp in rookie events which is what all official races in wk13 are. The SR system by it's seemingly 'dumb' intelligence can still separate stupid drivers from the safer drivers over a long period of time. No system they can program could decide who is right who is wrong, just look at any iRacing forums, you get 50/50 in agreement of who is at fault in incidents discussed - how can a software system decide who is at fault when humans can't even decide?

This way blame is not a factor, but simply you're ability to stay safe. If you're a safe driver and you're getting a few knocks, then any unsafe drivers will have far more knocks and are getting far worse SR loss.

If you want to gain SR in wk 13 you must either do Time Trials alone - or - be driving Miss Daisy to the extreme and assume everyone else cannot drive to save themselves. Also start from pits or have psychic powers in T1.
Sacrifice ir and start from pits
If you have C class you can participate in Grand Am where you can get high sr.
Quote from JasonJ :

If you want to gain SR in wk 13 you must either do Time Trials alone...

I drove about 20 laps without 1x and get about +0,03.
Quote from Alien_CZ :..
If you have C class you can participate in Grand Am where you can get high sr.

There are no Grand Am sessions in this week.

Quote from Alien_CZ :I drove about 20 laps without 1x and get about +0,03.

Or you can take part in a 20 lap rookie race in wk13 where some people cannot drive in a straight line and get about the same result.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :It really isn't dumb, what's dumb is that you're not seeing the big picture.

Ironically, the SR system that you are discussing is actually quite narrow minded & short sighted. It chooses to be "dumb" when it could quite easily be intelligent.
I believe that there is no need to punish everyone involved in an accident just because the devs are to lazy/scared to add some code that assigns or absolves blame.
Some simple algorithms have already been discussed (that work in theory) but it seems that for the moment, iRacing have chosen not to go down that path. I sincerely hope that the SR system does get developed, as it really takes something away from the casual sim racer (it puts people off iRacing & is quite enraging).
The SR system has so much room for improvement, it would be "stupid" not to.

p.s.- Quali sessions yield greater rewards than TT's.
yeah people listen to anttt69 if you don´t want to listen to me.

Of course I understand why it is how it is, but there is still room for improvement. I don´t race that much, I get bored and now before the promotion I thought hell why not level it up.

Quote : This way blame is not a factor, but simply you're ability to stay safe. If you're a safe driver and you're getting a few knocks, then any unsafe drivers will have far more knocks and are getting far worse SR loss.

I know that but that doesn´t help me lol.. I don´t care if some other guy gets even bigger punishment.
Quote from anttt69 :..but it seems that for the moment, iRacing have chosen not to go down that path.

There no reason for them to waste resources further developing a system that works perfectly well.

Unless you are the unluckiest racer on the planet or an unsafe driver you're not going to loose your license or fail to get promoted to a higher license.

Best thing to do is forget SR even exists.
Does anybody have a promotional code on offer so I can save myself some money on resubscribing ?
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Does anybody have a promotional cod on offer so I can save myself some money on resubscribing ?

Not sure but I seen a few salmon for half price!
Quote from 91mason91 :Not sure but I seen a few salmon for half price!

plz explain salmon? what?
Quote from The Moose :There no reason for them to waste resources further developing a system that works perfectly well.

Unless you are the unluckiest racer on the planet or an unsafe driver you're not going to loose your license or fail to get promoted to a higher license.

Best thing to do is forget SR even exists.

not when you want to level up on one or two days. Then you have too look for the sr.. And no I don´t care if you think you shouldn't´t level up in one day.. Situation like this just show that it is not working perfectly well..
I lol'd today while racing i passed a guy right and gave him a slight tap x0 he then proceeds to ram me and it goes to a 4x as well as causing a huge wreck on the course xD i went down .02 at that race but ive made a profit today of +.21 which puts me even where i was yesterday.....stupid people and not being able to drive a flat out oval like charlotte messing my SR xD

Im not a huge fan of the SR but only at the Ovals on road courses its pretty easy to go un touched
Quote from anttt69 :
I believe that there is no need to punish everyone involved in an accident just because the devs are to lazy/scared to add some code that assigns or absolves blame.

Here's the crux of the matter.

In real life, when a crash happens...both sides are screwed. Even if blame is put on one party, both sides are screwed. I've never seen a penalty imposed on a driver to pay for full repair of the others car. If you treat SR like that then it becomes clear why it is the way it is and also why it benefits the sim.

Once again, in real life a crash in racing screws both sides. Blame does not factor into it.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Here's the crux of the matter.

In real life, when a crash happens...both sides are screwed. Even if blame is put on one party, both sides are screwed. I've never seen a penalty imposed on a driver to pay for full repair of the others car. If you treat SR like that then it becomes clear why it is the way it is and also why it benefits the sim.

Once again, in real life a crash in racing screws both sides. Blame does not factor into it.

that is still a stupid comparison, it doesn´t matter how much people repeat it.. It still stays a dumb comparison.

" Plz do me a favour and stop this crazy argumentation it is really so dumb, SR is not = money loss it´s fia adding some crazy punishment for the guy who just got crashed by a mistake of another driver.. "
Quote from anttt69 :Ironically, the SR system that you are discussing is actually quite narrow minded & short sighted. It chooses to be "dumb" when it could quite easily be intelligent.
I believe that there is no need to punish everyone involved in an accident just because the devs are to lazy/scared to add some code that assigns or absolves blame.
Some simple algorithms have already been discussed (that work in theory) but it seems that for the moment, iRacing have chosen not to go down that path. I sincerely hope that the SR system does get developed, as it really takes something away from the casual sim racer (it puts people off iRacing & is quite enraging).
The SR system has so much room for improvement, it would be "stupid" not to.

p.s.- Quali sessions yield greater rewards than TT's.

So, if you're so smart, how do you suggest a fault system? You only get it if you hit someone from behind? What happens when someone brake checks, or spins out? Or you only give a penalty to people who caused an accident, because that's easy, right? Humans constantly disagree about who caused an accident, so how do you expect a computer to do it?

SR as it is is fine just now. If you're constantly involved in wrecks that you think aren't your fault, then you really should look at your own driving. Of course people are going to get the odd 4x for getting involved in someone elses crash, but if you are a clean safe driver it more than evens out.

Just for the record, I am not a clean safe driver, I take more risks than I should because I think winning a race is far more important than gaining some SR. Once you're in Class A and running longer races, you can get 10 - 12 incidents in a F1 race and still gain SR. The only part of the SR system I don't agree with is the off-tracks, I think you should have 4 wheels off the track before you get the penalty, but a 1x penalty is so irrelevant it's not really a problem.
The reason why the system punishes both drivers is because there is no way an automated system can fairly determine who is at fault. Even the stewards at an F1 grand prix can't do it right. So the next best thing is to publish both drivers.

Until someone can invent a system that punish the right driver, this is the next best thing.
exactly, may be they should change it so you earn SR dollars and buy your next licence but you pay for any damage, people might get it then.

apart from anything else it teaches you to use your eyes, if you spectate road races as often as i do you notice that's one of the biggest differences between the lower licence class drivers and the higher licence class drivers, the lower guys always seem to get caught up in other's accidents' the higher class get through unmarked quite often.

i'v lost count of the number of rookie, D or even C class drivers i've seen hit a car thats been stationary for 4 or 5 seconds despite it being in full view and getting yellow flags, and of course they then have a go at the other car for not clearing the track, the next race the same driver will try to go past a car at full race speed and then moan because it moves as the driver tries to clear the track and they can't react in time.
Quote from funRacer[83] :

not when you want to level up on one or two days. Then you have too look for the sr.. And no I don´t care if you think you shouldn't´t level up in one day.. .

have some patience, us early members took at least 9 months and a week to get to class A, now you're moaning because you can't level up in a couple of days in week 13, best a rookie can do is go to class D in week 13 as there's no higher races to complete MPR with (unless you're planning to get enough SR to get to D 4.0 to run class C) , if you are higher then you shouldn't really be leaving it till week 13 to get promoted.

either way anyone who expects rookie races to be incident free is living in a dream world but you can avoid them if you drive with some brains, start from the pits, don't get /let anyone get close to you, ignore the race result. if promotion, rather than a championship, is what you're after then it's easy to stay safer.

and before you say it's not realisitic, ask any real world racer on here what those black X on a yellow box mean when you first start racing, their aim is to get signatures on their licences which means being safe on track, start hitting cars as a real life rookie and you have to answer some questions.
Quote from funRacer[83] : Situation like this just show that it is not working perfectly well..

But it is working perfectly well. If you are a safe/aware driver then the hit you took yesterday will be regained and more by the end of today. If you cant get promoted from rookie or D to the next level within a couple of days then there is something wrong with your driving, end of story.

SR is ridiculously easy to gain in the lower license levels. If anything it should be way tougher than it currently is.
Quote from DeKo :So, if you're so smart, how do you suggest a fault system? You only get it if you hit someone from behind? What happens when someone brake checks, or spins out? Or you only give a penalty to people who caused an accident, because that's easy, right? Humans constantly disagree about who caused an accident, so how do you expect a computer to do it?

Take what we have now and add some things, of course it also will not be perfect but it will be better then what we have now. For example if somebody loses control over his car and then spins into somebody the guy got hit don´t get a punishment. If somebody is getting lapped he is the only one who gets punished what ever happens. Some people try really to block and fight the guy lapping them while they see the ****ing blue flag.. I just had such and idiot he hit me twice in row that is twice "car contact 4x" within seconds.. I still managed to get an +0.03 somehow out of the race..

Quote from The Moose :But it is working perfectly well. If you are a safe/aware driver then the hit you took yesterday will be regained and more by the end of today. If you cant get promoted from rookie or D to the next level within a couple of days then there is something wrong with your driving, end of story.

SR is ridiculously easy to gain in the lower license levels. If anything it should be way tougher than it currently is.

Oh sry I didn´t know that you are brain-damaged so you are not able to understand what you read. I am really sry for giving you such a hard time. Oh ok everything is fine if I get punished for someone crashing into me that is also perfectly fine everything is fine The Moose. Everything will be ok, little TheMoose.
As soon as you give such immunities as you've described, then people will exploit them..

"haha that guy hit me last race, now he is spinning I can ram him (accidental like) and only HE will get 4x mwahahah"

"Oh this loser is on blue flag, I'll just 'accidently' tap his ass off in the entry and I won't get any 4x" mwahaha

Plus another 100 other ways to abuse such simple rulings. It's not so simple to lay blame, especially with software algorithms.

You're gonna lose SR no matter what you do. You want to level up, you will lose SR it's a fact. Everyone has this issue, yet many have good SR and higher licences. They are not magically invincible.

edit: oh now I have just seen you've resorted to insults, why bother helping you understand. Figure it out yourself. BTW I also think it's way too easy for R>D>C promotion, I did it in a few days, but I guess they have to give noobs some hope or else they will throw their bottles out of their prams and never play and say the game is shit.
yeah like everybody is going to throw his race away just to hit a guy who have a blue flag.. idiotic .. illepall
On the other hand, isn't it sweet that people with attitude like yours are kept in lower licence ranks? SR system must work pretty well then (for others, that is) :-)
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