Here is the moan I promised:
Well, I just did my first race with the solstice and came 2nd. (I could have won it but I managed to epic-fail the start). Anyways, it looks now that there is no point (literally) for me to do another race on this week because the results are averaged. So I'd need to win or be 2nd to make the race worthwhile for points. And that's very unlikely because I'm most probably going to be pitted against much faster guys on the next race.
No reason to do it for the irating and ttrating, you can get those from time trialing without any risk of losing points. Great intentive iracing, keep people away from racing so they can keep their points!
But then again I don't even know what good those points do for me. Cool, I winnared teh a championship, what do I get? Uhm...? Some text in my résume? "every race is a league race"
(having another road course combo to drive than just the solstice on lime rock would be healthy too)
Not that I'll be racing anytime soon anyways. The races seem to be every two hours and I have no idea why it is like that. On my race there was about 70 people "registered" for the event. Even if that was halved to 36 it would still be 6 full grids with the iracing system. And I'm sure there would be actually more people online if there were more races. And from what I've read this is the result of the evolution of four years of development...
The bestest epic fail of the system is you need to wait for a normal public practise too. Just few minutes, but still that's just stupid. Why not let people start instantly some public practises where you can actually drive online with other cars? (Private practise sessions start instantly simply by pressing a button but you'll be driving alone.)
The online interface looks very pretty and all but so far it feels like it's been designed just to do that, look pretty. If I want to switch from the solstice to the legend and look for races with that I need to do way too many disambigous click all around the menus to get the car changed. And I still haven't found a way to see how many laps there is in the race without registering for the event. And it isn't even clear to me yet what happens if I accidentally register for an event not does it really say clearly anywhere if I have registered for a series.
The person who designed the ui must have been some kind of byrocrat. Only a government official can create so many links and a strange mix of buttons that really do nothing you'd expect. The way the ui is done (the ui being handled by a new browser) is just fine, it works well period. But there is nothing in the system that makes it easy or quick to use.
As to positive points, everything has been working flawlessly so far. No discos, no anomalies with cars jumping on track, disappearing, crashes or oddities of any kind. The loading times are quick and the sim looks and plays ok on my low-end machine (3500AMD64, 7800GT, 2gigs ram). There is small amount of steering lag but it's not really an issue with the solstice. (Must be some epic fail on my end as I seem to be getting more steering lag than anyone else in all sims though. )The cars and the tracks are very nice to drive, there is a lot of character in them and finding the good line through a corner is so much more than just braking at point a and getting back on power at b like in LFS. The character richness of the tracks is not because of laser scanning, they just have good bumps, cambers and other small details which is something too rarely seen done well in any sim, or at all

. It has been enjoyable for the first day (:tilt

but I'm thinking how quickly the freshness and neweness wears off as there isn't much to do most of the time...
Hmm, there is a race in 15 minutes. If I spent an hour making long posts I'd cut down the waiting time a lot between the races

(sounds like a plan)