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help with fraps
(17 posts, started )
help with fraps
I uninstalled FRAPS a while ago but now it lets me reinstall it but doesnt open. What do I do?
You used a pirated version, thus it's ****ered itself.
Quote from shaun463 :I uninstalled FRAPS a while ago but now it lets me reinstall it but doesnt open. What do I do?

Join the French Foreign Legion...

oh...about Fraps? reinstall a different version
It was a legal version....
#5 - Jakg
Erm, no.

FRAPS has a little anit-piracy trick - you can't install the pirate version and then the demo, or the licensed version.

In short - pwnt.
Quote from Jakg :Erm, no.

FRAPS has a little anit-piracy trick - you can't install the pirate version and then the demo, or the licensed version.

In short - pwnt.

Licensed version still works after the anti-piracy thingy, I think it's just that you can't reinstall the pirated version, or the demo. I could be wrong though, it's been a couple of years since I bought fraps
Works now (I figured out I downloaded it off a hoax site)
I bought a licence anyways
Quote from shaun463 :Works now (I figured out I downloaded it off a hoax site)
I bought a licence anyways

First time I've heard Bearshare or Mininova called a hoax site...well, we learn something every day!
Quote from Bladerunner :First time I've heard Bearshare or Mininova called a hoax site...well, we learn something every day!

lmao! Nice reply
Torrents are so 2 years ago. Get with the times...
Everyone knows that the real way is...

*message garbled due to error in transmission*
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Everyone knows that the real way is...

*message garbled due to error in transmission*

Epic Boobs sensor tingling!


Anyone else think a good feature along side the screenshot shortcut in LFS would be the video maker? Just records the video in a special LFS format (small file size) then a converter app is released so you can convert the special format files into a video using the compression that you choose.
Anyone checked out the Xfire beta video capture?

Yeah, yeah Xfire sucks etc.
#14 - Jakg
Quote from pb32000 :Torrents are so 2 years ago. Get with the times...

Out of interest, what IS the times?

Torrents are great for um... Linux Distro's, but the only thing i can think of that will replace them is newsgroups.

These sort of technologies always stay "underground" for ages, then start to rapidly raise in popularity and then suddenly go mainstream and then after a year or two they'll find a way to shut 'em down and off they go.

PS - Useless image i've been DIEING to post on a forum...

#16 - Jakg
its all about rapidshare and a fooking good downloader

help with fraps
(17 posts, started )