Quote from Thunderhead :Umm...(this is without googling for info) was that Total Immersion Racing...or along the lines....I think that it had Total in the name.... I got that on a pack of cereals once. A ling time ago, it was too blody hard for me, but I loved it Couldn't do one lap without crashing.
Quote from xaotik :... and what about that Renault R25 livery, Sherlock? ah, I did not remember those colors at 1st sight *shame*
Quote from troy :i just had a look at the ebay auction, guess who's the highest bidder at the moment... nils "n1lyn" naujoks. so i'm pretty sure we will see some more screens soon interesting buying history my guess is he drives an mx5
Quote :To Zia at 2008-02-22 21:51:42 (2 mins ago) GMT On behalf of the LFS comunity I have made a logo which you should use, since in your current logo half our logo is still there. Please replace the current logo with this. http://i99.photobucket.com/alb ... 06/shaun463/Speedlogo.jpg Just pm'ed Zia I made a logo Its crap but that's pretty much the point
Quote from ACCAkut : Unbelievable graphics The Dump I take at 5:30am in the morning looks better than that
u noobs LFS Devs cant do crap the PHRASE "LIVE FOR SPEED" Is copywrited not the "speed" Part of the Image that a noob can easily cut out lol! get your laws right A "Phrase" is different to a cut out 5 letter word! god damn noobs!
I was thinking... Isn't the copyright technically copyrighted to Nicolas Grignon? I mean... he's the one that has designed that logo, technically he's the owner, he's only permitted the devs to use it... (?).
Quote from anik360 :The Dump I take at 5:30am in the morning looks better than that Probably because of better particle effects.