The online racing simulator
TEST Patch Y9 : Chinese / Japanese / Korean

Hello Racers.

Here is a new compatible test patch Y9.

It contains Chinese, Japanese and Korean Translations.
There are also some fixes including a hot lapping fix affecting South City.
Y9 contains important fixes for Y8 issues, including consistently sized fonts.
Please read the list of changes below.

Changes in TEST PATCH Y9 :

Included Japanese lesson translations
FIX : Corrupted text in top left corner after changing language
FIX : Corrupted "finished" at top right after changing language
FIX : Increased character buffer size to 4096 on screen at once
FIX : Character analysis now ensures that fonts are a good size
FIX : Wide characters in some fonts could acquire stray pixels
FIX : Ping column in Simplified Chinese could become corrupted

Changes from Y to Y8 :

Double byte character support :

Included Chinese, Japanese and Korean translations
Selectable font for these languages in Game Options
Input Method Editor support including candidate lists
IME automatically switched on and off in text entry dialog
Input language is shown when editing text (white if IME active)

Interface :

Czech and Simplified Chinese lesson translations
Faster text drawing system improves frame rate
Separate text entry field for AI number plates
Welcome screen now has three language columns
Added flags beside names of translations

Multiplayer :

New command /ndebug=no/yes to switch off/on network debug
Dedicated host and network debug show connecting guest IP
FIX : Rapid /ai NAME command resulted in AI with same name
FIX : Rapid /ai command could exceed number of cars allowed
FIX : Joining a host with same name AI resulted in Join OOS
FIX : Skin name buffer overflow exploit

Fixes :

FIX : Wall riding was possible on soft walls at South City
FIX : Select invalid configuration and weather in cfg.txt
FIX : Replay could open reversed configuration in DEMO


PATCH Y9 (Version Y must already be installed) : (1.5 MB)

DEDICATED HOST (for hosting only) :


Numbers on speedo and tacho appear above the needle
IP address of connecting players is sent over InSim relay. Please do not connect Y8 / Y9 hosts to the InSim relay.

Windows XP : East Asian Language Support / Font Installation

LFS does not support double byte characters with Windows 98 / ME. Windows XP and Vista should work well but you may need to install fonts.

If you have Windows XP and currently cannot see the East Asian translations, here's how to set up your computer so it works.
See the attachment - in Control Panel click on "Regional and Language Options" then under the "Languages" tab select "Install files for East Asian Languages".
Windows will probably ask you to get your XP CD and the fonts will be installed from it.

This is important even if you do not use Chinese, Japanese or Korean translations so you can see East Asian text and player names correctly when you are online.
Attached images
From Y8 Thread
Quote :Messages are supposed to hide behind the menu, in the options screens only, so you can see the options.

It was like this before the new patch and in the new patch I had to code specially for this to keep it working nicely.

Anyway, the bug also seen in your picture (disappearing text) is fixed in my version.

Ok, this is not really a new bug, but I think its related to that.
With message history enabled, long messages overlay the text input box (see picture) which makes it very hard to see what you are writing
Attached images
Quote from three_jump :From Y8 Thread

Ok, this is not really a new bug, but I think its related to that.
With message history enabled, long messages overlay the text input box (see picture) which makes it very hard to see what you are writing

its ur graphics card. on normal graphics can see very very good imo
Quote from mrminor28 :its ur graphics card. on normal graphics can see very very good imo

Are you sure it's his graphics card? I don't even notice anything wrong in the screenshot.
i have this bug on two seperate pc's

one is a 9600 pro and the other one is a x1950. I really doubt it's the gfx card... the picture is just crappy quality as i think it doesn't have to be that big to show the problem

but you can of course try it yourself and post a pic too.
#6 - dev
Quote from three_jump :i have this bug on two seperate pc's

one is a 9600 pro and the other one is a x1950. I really doubt it's the gfx card... the picture is just crappy quality as i think it doesn't have to be that big to show the problem

but you can of course try it yourself and post a pic too.

He's fu*king with you It can't possibly be a graphic card issue...
Wow~,I‘ll testing it.
Anyone tried this with Windows 2000?
Scawen. More of a request then anything else. But seen as you added the connecting I.P to servers any chance of adding it to insim NCN packet sometime in the near future? Cheers
I think would be nice , If Scawen would make favorite servers. I mean ADD server to favorites sry for bad english
It's only 2 fonts could be select in simplified chinese. I wanna know. How can I add more fonts for LFS?
Do you have more fonts available in other programs?

LFS is supposed to create a list of all True Type fonts that contain the Simplified Chinese character set.

And then you should be able to select all the fonts that LFS displays in that list.
Quote from mcgas001 :Scawen. More of a request then anything else. But seen as you added the connecting I.P to servers any chance of adding it to insim NCN packet sometime in the near future? Cheers

Well, network debug messages can be seen on LFS Remote. Was that intended?
Well, I have many True Type fonts in my OS. I dont think only 2 contain the Simplified Chinese character set. Such as "simhei.ttf", "FZYTK.TTF"...
In fact, I just want to use the "simhei.ttf" font in LFS.
Attached images
SYS Fonts.jpg
LFS Fonts.jpg
Chinese Fonts.jpg
Attached files
FZYTK.TTF.rar - 1.6 MB - 439 views
That is strange.

SimHei does show up in my LFS list, and I only have the standard XP East Asian support fonts.

I'll try installing the font you posted later on and see if it shows up in my list.
Quote from Misko :Well, network debug messages can be seen on LFS Remote. Was that intended?

Not really. I have never thought of that before.

I suppose it should be that network debug messages are not sent to InSim at all.
I guess Victor's relay picks every message that appears on the host. Maybe just host admins should be careful not to turn both network debug and relay on their hosts.
Japanese font size.
Y9 patch was fixed font scale???
but Japanese font size is un-balanced ...
see attached image.
Different of Y8 and Y9.


Attached images

What are you doing . Ok this is my problem. I do have internet. I called my isp server host made them rest my ip, and i still cannot download new patch log into lfsworld or even lfs its self

The connection has timed out
The server at is taking too long to respond.
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
Everything works fine for me, it must be your internet.
Works perfect here...
#23 - Osco
is it just me or is the gauge needle actually behind the numbers now, instead of overlapping them?

left Y9, right Y

edit, nevermind
Attached images
Quote from Osco :is it just me or is the gauge needle actually behind the numbers now, instead of overlapping them?

answer (guess it is the same problem):
Quote from Scawen :

Numbers on speedo and tacho appear above the needle

Quote from Scawen :That is strange.

SimHei does show up in my LFS list, and I only have the standard XP East Asian support fonts.

I'll try installing the font you posted later on and see if it shows up in my list.

I see. It looks very difficult. If the "FZYTK.TTF" can't show up in your list, please stop continue to reseach. Because the problem is not important. The system is already good now.
This thread is closed